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hello 17M UK need advice


Jun 14, 2024
I am from the north of england. Im currently 17 years old and I wanna ascend before uni starts.

Current stats:
Relationships: 1 (previous - lasted 3 months)
Dates: 4
Kiss count: 3
Still a virgin.
I believe I am LTN facially
is: 5"9.5
Race: indian but skin color is medetariian ish
Gym: I have a 6 pack that was visible, not anymore cuz we have our exams here in the UK so i havent been a few months but should be able to get that back easily
It’s pretty simple, filler or softmaxxing. Amnesia has consistently been getting filler on his chin and it looks great IMHO so you can give it a try. Softmaxxing that isn’t too expensive and accesible are thicker AND darker eyebrows/eyelashes, if you have straight her get a perm for wavy, if you have wavy hair get some sort of pretty boy fringe or middle part/curtains. Getting lean is obviously number one priority and it seems you’re 18% BF so at a moderate deficit you’ll have abs in ~ 2 months. If you have acne, it’ll be impossible to get it cleared up that quickly unless it’s mild, so just focus on getting tanned. Maybe some mild eye contacts (like brown to hazel or brown to green).
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  • #3
It’s pretty simple, filler or softmaxxing. Amnesia has consistently been getting filler on his chin and it looks great IMHO so you can give it a try. Softmaxxing that isn’t too expensive and accesible are thicker AND darker eyebrows/eyelashes, if you have straight her get a perm for wavy, if you have wavy hair get some sort of pretty boy fringe or middle part/curtains. Getting lean is obviously number one priority and it seems you’re 18% BF so at a moderate deficit you’ll have abs in ~ 2 months. If you have acne, it’ll be impossible to get it cleared up that quickly unless it’s mild, so just focus on getting tanned. Maybe some mild eye contacts (like brown to hazel or brown to green).
I am using tretinoin rn, but I will buy accutane soon I think and microdose @ 20/mg every 3 days i think. Who is amensia, do you have any pics of him? Is getting wavy hair and fringe / middle part good even if my hair is black?
thank u
I am using tretinoin rn, but I will buy accutane soon I think and microdose @ 20/mg every 3 days i think. Who is amensia, do you have any pics of him? Is getting wavy hair and fringe / middle part good even if my hair is black?
thank u
This is Amnesia, the picture on the left is with chin filler and the picture on the right is without chin filler, pretty noticeable difference. Keep in mind though it is different lighting and angling. Be careful with accutane, unless your acne is SEVERE or you’ve been trying to get clear skin for a while then don’t do it. And yes, hair color doesn’t matter for a middle part although if you have white skin and brown eyes I definitely would recommend getting your hair dyed brown, otherwise keep it black.
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  • #5
View attachment 31715
This is Amnesia, the picture on the left is with chin filler and the picture on the right is without chin filler, pretty noticeable difference. Keep in mind though it is different lighting and angling. Be careful with accutane, unless your acne is SEVERE or you’ve been trying to get clear skin for a while then don’t do it. And yes, hair color doesn’t matter for a middle part although if you have white skin and brown eyes I definitely would recommend getting your hair dyed brown, otherwise keep it black.
nah im indian so my skin is like light brown, not dark but id say medeteranian ish.

thats crazy he went from HTN to chad jfl.
nah im indian so my skin is like light brown, not dark but id say medeteranian ish.

thats crazy he went from HTN to chad jfl.
Yeah, I mean I guess you could get your hair dyed brown either way but it might look a bit uncanny. Good luck in your looksmaxxing journey, I hope you make it.
I am from the north of england. Im currently 17 years old and I wanna ascend before uni starts.

Current stats:
Relationships: 1 (previous - lasted 3 months)
Dates: 4
Kiss count: 3
Still a virgin.
I believe I am LTN facially
is: 5"9.5
Race: indian but skin color is medetariian ish
Gym: I have a 6 pack that was visible, not anymore cuz we have our exams here in the UK so i havent been a few months but should be able to get that back easily
Lean down
Grow us hair then get a mogger cut
Start gym
Sleep 9 hours
Start finasteride

Hope for results
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