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Hello I'm Mika 16 year old. Help me with my looks on what I can improve and rate me outta 10 pls🙏

you have so much potential honestly. if you improved you would be a 10. and right now i feel like you are at a 6 or 7. its nice to see another arab. your eyes are beautiful! but if you are going to grow out your hair i think you should take care of it. you should also start taking care of your skin, idk if ur mewing already but you should.

wash your face with and oil based or milk based cleanser if you have dry skin. theyre cheap. make sure you use sun screen when you go out. i think you should shave the mustache but thats my opinion. try building somewhat of a decent body. good luck :)
whats ur physique like right now? As a good physique boosts anyone from (for example) a 5 to a 9
What can I improve on?
go on a bulk, shave your mustache, go skinmaxxing, you are a 5 right now, but your eyes make a great contrast on your face, so you should try to make them highlight, maybe go for another haircut with less volume
