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Hello, I'm Sage


Jan 8, 2025
Georgia, USA
Instagram: eternalpeace_01
Hello, everybody, my name is Sage. I'm 21 y/o and new to looksmaxxing, and I made an account here to inform myself more about looksmaxxing so I can fully adopt the lifestyle. I've been focusing on my diet recently by switching to whole foods only and focusing on higher protein intake, but I want to do much more than this asap because as far as I've seen, just following a diet isn't gonna do shit. I'm also trying to cut out sodium and carbs, cause I heard a lot of people saying that sodium makes you bloated. Look forward to interacting with you all soon!
Hello, everybody, my name is Sage. I'm 21 y/o and new to looksmaxxing, and I made an account here to inform myself more about looksmaxxing so I can fully adopt the lifestyle. I've been focusing on my diet recently by switching to whole foods only and focusing on higher protein intake, but I want to do much more than this asap because as far as I've seen, just following a diet isn't gonna do shit. I'm also trying to cut out sodium and carbs, cause I heard a lot of people saying that sodium makes you bloated. Look forward to interacting with you all soon!
welcome man, good to have you here!
Hello, everybody, my name is Sage. I'm 21 y/o and new to looksmaxxing, and I made an account here to inform myself more about looksmaxxing so I can fully adopt the lifestyle. I've been focusing on my diet recently by switching to whole foods only and focusing on higher protein intake, but I want to do much more than this asap because as far as I've seen, just following a diet isn't gonna do shit. I'm also trying to cut out sodium and carbs, cause I heard a lot of people saying that sodium makes you bloated. Look forward to interacting with you all soon!
Hi bud, welcome to the forum. Hope you enjoy your time here.