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Here I am


New member
Oct 15, 2021
Hello everyone.

Been active on Just found this forum. I have a lot of things to work. However, these are the current things I am working on:
- Receding hairline
- Eyebrow- and beardmaxxing with minox(in conjunction with working on my hair)
- Skinmaxxing
- Gymaxxing

If anyone has any recommendations for any good threads, pertaining to anything related to looksmaxxing, feel free to share them! Hopefully I can be helpful towards others here as well.
- Receding hairline
- Skinmaxxing
- Gymaxxing
Regarding the hairline, it is worth researching if diet can effect it. Ask around in the raw meat circles and see if it helped anyone.
For gym and definitely skin, move over to a meat only diet. I eat raw meat and my gym gains are insane, namely because I am always full of natural creatine. And just meat in general, you can look at before and after shots of meat only diet people and they all start to naturally moisturize.
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  • #7
Regarding the hairline, it is worth researching if diet can effect it. Ask around in the raw meat circles and see if it helped anyone.
For gym and definitely skin, move over to a meat only diet. I eat raw meat and my gym gains are insane, namely because I am always full of natural creatine. And just meat in general, you can look at before and after shots of meat only diet people and they all start to naturally moisturize.
Thanks for the recommendations! I have to say I am a bit sceptical of raw meat though... Am open minded though. Asides from anecdotes, is there any legit science backing it up?
Is there any legit science backing it up?

I don't know what "legit science" means. All food science is so wrapped up in peoples politics, commercial interests, and personal identity today, that you have to take most studies with a grain of salt. As such, anecdotal evidence is going to be more reliable. You try it for 30 days, see how it works for you and your friends, and if it works, then it works. All that is incumbent upon you is being honest with yourself, and I would say a bit of philosophy regarding food to understand what is going on.

That being said, there is this study from the 1930's where 900 cats were fed either raw meat or cooked meat:
Within 4 generations, the cats who ate only cooked meat went completely extinct.
There are also over 15 nutrients you cant get from any plant, including:
- Cholesterol
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin D
- Creatine
- Taurine
- Vitamin K6

Regarding the philosophy of food: This is the brief outline for you to consider:
- All plants are toxic, because this is how they defend themselves from pests.
- Animals who eat plants have incredibly long intestines and sometimes multiple stomaches
- Human's have a intestinal tract length somewhere between that of a Cat, and a Dog, both of which are obligate carnivores.
- Humans naturally do not like plants, and so those that eat them are constantly trying to imitate meat. Pizza for example is a Blood ( Tomato sauce ) Fat ( Cheese ) and Flesh ( Bread ) imitation.
- The invention of cooking was important, not for meat, but for vegetables, as cooking could break it down the toxins and fibre into something barely edible.
- People in the west cook meat because the carmelization tastes good, and because the bible rituals implanted the idea that meat should be cooked.
- Even so; if you look to historical texts like the bible; vegetables were seen as a starvation ration, something that you would feed slaves, and ominously the food that Cain; the bible's first murderer, exclusively ate. It even says that a man who eats only vegetables is poor in spirit.
- So much so as a starvation ration, that many vegans who report early success do not realize what is going on. They may feel good about the food they are eating, but in reality, they have switched over to a raw meat diet. They think they are eating vegetables ( which have no nutrients ), but they are actually eating the raw fat they have stored up inside themselves.
- Long term however the vegans start breaking down because they use up their stores of nutrition.
- Incidentally, vegans bloggers end up getting sponsored by drug companies pushing their multi-vitamins and protein powders, which means there is an commercial incentive for them to push an unhealthy diet. Even the vegan in this forum, pushes steroids. Its an admission that his diet does not work.
- If you are worried about parasites; Parasites are found more often in diets consisting of primarily cereals, and it has just become a habit to blame meat for its origin, when in reality you get most parasites from eating unwashed vegetables.

There is tons to say, but you just have to look at the various camps, and see for yourself who is an example of good health. And if you are interested, search youtube for "Veganism: Epitome of Malnourishment" to see before and afters of vegan bloggers.
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  • #9
I don't know what "legit science" means. All food science is so wrapped up in peoples politics, commercial interests, and personal identity today, that you have to take most studies with a grain of salt. As such, anecdotal evidence is going to be more reliable. You try it for 30 days, see how it works for you and your friends, and if it works, then it works. All that is incumbent upon you is being honest with yourself, and I would say a bit of philosophy regarding food to understand what is going on.

That being said, there is this study from the 1930's where 900 cats were fed either raw meat or cooked meat:
Within 4 generations, the cats who ate only cooked meat went completely extinct.
There are also over 15 nutrients you cant get from any plant, including:
- Cholesterol
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin D
- Creatine
- Taurine
- Vitamin K6

Regarding the philosophy of food: This is the brief outline for you to consider:
- All plants are toxic, because this is how they defend themselves from pests.
- Animals who eat plants have incredibly long intestines and sometimes multiple stomaches
- Human's have a intestinal tract length somewhere between that of a Cat, and a Dog, both of which are obligate carnivores.
- Humans naturally do not like plants, and so those that eat them are constantly trying to imitate meat. Pizza for example is a Blood ( Tomato sauce ) Fat ( Cheese ) and Flesh ( Bread ) imitation.
- The invention of cooking was important, not for meat, but for vegetables, as cooking could break it down the toxins and fibre into something barely edible.
- People in the west cook meat because the carmelization tastes good, and because the bible rituals implanted the idea that meat should be cooked.
- Even so; if you look to historical texts like the bible; vegetables were seen as a starvation ration, something that you would feed slaves, and ominously the food that Cain; the bible's first murderer, exclusively ate. It even says that a man who eats only vegetables is poor in spirit.
- So much so as a starvation ration, that many vegans who report early success do not realize what is going on. They may feel good about the food they are eating, but in reality, they have switched over to a raw meat diet. They think they are eating vegetables ( which have no nutrients ), but they are actually eating the raw fat they have stored up inside themselves.
- Long term however the vegans start breaking down because they use up their stores of nutrition.
- Incidentally, vegans bloggers end up getting sponsored by drug companies pushing their multi-vitamins and protein powders, which means there is an commercial incentive for them to push an unhealthy diet. Even the vegan in this forum, pushes steroids. Its an admission that his diet does not work.
- If you are worried about parasites; Parasites are found more often in diets consisting of primarily cereals, and it has just become a habit to blame meat for its origin, when in reality you get most parasites from eating unwashed vegetables.

There is tons to say, but you just have to look at the various camps, and see for yourself who is an example of good health. And if you are interested, search youtube for "Veganism: Epitome of Malnourishment" to see before and afters of vegan bloggers.
Thanks for the thorough response. Don't got much to say: I will look more into it and give it a consideration.
For how long have you been on a raw carnivore diet?
Two years. I started off very strict, and for the first four months, I didn't even drink any water or eat any cured meats like sausage. It was just raw meat, and the blood that came with it.
Two years in, the biggest surprise is that I have felt my brain health and plasticity return. Around 30; you start losing your ability to be creative and learn new things, and I had started getting that with my standard diet. But after prolongued eating of Raw meat; I dream more regularly and my nack for innovation has returned. My personality has also mellowed out. I am a lot less neurotic that I ever was in my entire life.
I should make a spreadsheet listing all the things I have noticed. There are so many small things that changed, that its hard to keep track. Even my athletes foot disappeared, which is apparently quite common as we theorize that its actually a condition designed to remove toxins from your body.
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  • #13
Two years. I started off very strict, and for the first four months, I didn't even drink any water or eat any cured meats like sausage. It was just raw meat, and the blood that came with it.
Two years in, the biggest surprise is that I have felt my brain health and plasticity return. Around 30; you start losing your ability to be creative and learn new things, and I had started getting that with my standard diet. But after prolongued eating of Raw meat; I dream more regularly and my nack for innovation has returned. My personality has also mellowed out. I am a lot less neurotic that I ever was in my entire life.
I should make a spreadsheet listing all the things I have noticed. There are so many small things that changed, that its hard to keep track. Even my athletes foot disappeared, which is apparently quite common as we theorize that its actually a condition designed to remove toxins from your body.
That is very interesting. Nearly sound too good to be true! Didn't you experience any negative sides effects, not even initially? And wasn't it hard mentally to adapt to the taste of raw meat? I have a hard time imagine myself being able to eat raw meats, ngl... :LOL:

start minoxidil, microneedling, and nizoral 2x a week

Started doing minox and using ketaconzole. Will buy a microneedling device when I am not broke any more, lol. Do you think that fin is overboard? This is the current state of my hairline. Been at norwood 2 for 4-5 years, maybe even longer. Hoping it is not to late for me to see some regrowth to my hairline.





buy vit c vit e capsules and mix it in glycerin and use it,only costs 10 bucks

Is that basically making your own vitamin c+e serum? I am using a vitamin c serum currently from the Ordinary, but it is double the price that of your suggestion. I have used creams with vitamin e before as well, it seemed to be really good for my skin as well.

also very less shitposting
U can check here twice a week and still keep up with everythreads
we have high IQ users here not 14yos jerking off to chico like in .org

welcome back

That makes me very glad to hear. It certainly seemed like less shitposting here and was the reason I joined. Looking forward to partake here.
Do you think that fin is overboard?
Absolutely start Fin if you're taking hairloss prevention/regrowth seriously.
It's no use desperately attempting to regrow a full head of hair by using solely minoxidil when the core issue (In most men's cases) is the androgens (Most notably DHT) present in their bodies, it will continue to miniaturize your hair follicles until the hairloss once again catches up with the artificially inflated hair gain.

I've been on Fin for about a year now, hairloss has drastically lowered and the only negative side effects I've experienced are a more volatile mood and gyno, but I'm taking Tamoxifen too so the gyno has gone.
Will buy a microneedling device when I am not broke any more
it's cheap af
Do you think that fin is overboard?
fin is one of the mostly researched compound, it's side effects are overrated
only 1.8% of people experience side effects

check this-





most side effects are placebo,
also don't use it if u are in puberty
or don't use it for more than 5 years
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #17
Absolutely start Fin if you're taking hairloss prevention/regrowth seriously.
It's no use desperately attempting to regrow a full head of hair by using solely minoxidil when the core issue (In most men's cases) is the androgens (Most notably DHT) present in their bodies, it will continue to miniaturize your hair follicles until the hairloss once again catches up with the artificially inflated hair gain.

I've been on Fin for about a year now, hairloss has drastically lowered and the only negative side effects I've experienced are a more volatile mood and gyno, but I'm taking Tamoxifen too so the gyno has gone.
I am considering fin. Was wondering about @Nnn's opinion, since he didn't mention it and it is such a common part of an anti-hairloss protocol. Have booked an appointment with my doctor to get a prescription. However, I am wondering wether or not it might be overkill for me to hop on fin right away, starting my hair loss battle. My hairline has looked like this for at least 4-7 years. So I seem to be in a stable phase at the moment. Maybe ketaconzole might be enough to begin with, while trying to regrow with minox+tret+microneedling? I know some people get regrowth on fin, but I don't think that will happen with me since I have had a mature hairline for such a long time. It is obviously preferable if i don't need to alter my DHT levels systemically. If keep a close eye on it and do catch my balding starting progressing, I can hop on fin when I definitely know I need to. What do you think?
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  • #19
it's cheap af
Well, guess it depends on which model you want to buy. I am really broke atm though, ngl! :p Also want to get the Derminator 2.

fin is one of the mostly researched compound, it's side effects are overrated
only 1.8% of people experience side effects
most side effects are placebo,
also don't use it if u are in puberty
or don't use it for more than 5 years
Yeah, it is true that it generally is safe. However, I do think I am at higher risk for developing sides, as my sex drive already is at the lower sides. On top on that, I eat some other medications for mental health which affects sex drive, so I really don't want to nuke it completely lol. But it probably won't hurt to try.
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  • #21
@Nnn Why did you think I was in puberty? Are most users here young or what?
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  • #23
take cialis whenever u need action, I might do a research on the topic ultimate sex drive whenever I'm free and make a thread on it
I guess that's an option. Gonna pop a lot of pills by that time though, jfl. Let's hope it won't be necessary. If you do make a thread about sex drive, that would be highly appreciated!

U were from .org ,so I thought u were 15-18
Lmao, can't blame you for thinking that. Even most grownups there act like they're 12...
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  • #27
Why not?
If stopped, whenever that may be, the hairloss will once again continue full force.
I noticed this a lot: There are lot of replies that I can't see in the actual thread(Can't see that one I quoted you responding to). Are people able to delete posts/replies they make here, or is it the forum that is wack?
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  • #28
Be proactive. Don't play catch up.
Even if my situation seems stable at the moment? Sure it is not going overboard? Another concerns I have is the efficacy of fin over time. I don't know of the mechanism behind, but it seems like over time, it stop working more and more, eventually providing no effect. Wouldn't it be reasonable to save that tool for later use, when it will do the most good?
Even if my situation seems stable at the moment? Sure it is not going overboard?
Well, how can you be sure it is stable?
Do you put a hair catcher on your shower's drain every time you wash your hair?
For your receded/receding hairline, how sure are you it hasn't progressed in the last 5-7 years as you've mentioned? These things aren't so apparent over time.

It's up to you though, Fin is only a risky endeavour if your hormonal baseline is cucked, there are other more complicated things such as your own receptors' response to the other androgens in your body and if you'll be getting enough androgenic activity once on Fin but I haven't dabbled into that. Even if it's good though I'd encourage taking it in conjunction with Tamoxifen.
Another concerns I have is the efficacy of fin over time. I don't know of the mechanism behind, but it seems like over time, it stop working more and more, eventually providing no effect. Wouldn't it be reasonable to save that tool for later use, when it will do the most good?
I've not heard of this, nor can I see a reasonable explanation for why it would occur.
Fin inhibits 5a-reductase, which makes it so a significant portion of the to-be converted T into DHT won't take place, lowering the androgenic burden in your body but more specifically on your scalp where the 5a-reductase activity is higher. How would this mechanism of action be rendered progressively more ineffective? Do you have any examples, a video explaining it?
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  • #31
Well, how can you be sure it is stable?
Do you put a hair catcher on your shower's drain every time you wash your hair?
For your receded/receding hairline, how sure are you it hasn't progressed in the last 5-7 years as you've mentioned? These things aren't so apparent over time.
Well, I can't of course be 100 percent sure, since I am basing this of my memory of how my hair looked before. I've always used a hair catcher, and while I never counted each separate hair, I have never noticed any difference in apparent volume. In any case, you make your point clear and I will definitely take it into consideration. I may also add that I appreciate all the feedback.

I've not heard of this, nor can I see a reasonable explanation for why it would occur.
Fin inhibits 5a-reductase, which makes it so a significant portion of the to-be converted T into DHT won't take place, lowering the androgenic burden in your body but more specifically on your scalp where the 5a-reductase activity is higher. How would this mechanism of action be rendered progressively more ineffective? Do you have any examples, a video explaining it?
I am sorry, but I can't remember where I came across that claim. I have just seen it stated a few times across the internet, so it is not something I know to be true. Might as well have complete bs. If I do come over a reliable sources discussing the issue I will let you know.
Well, guess it depends on which model you want to buy. I am really broke atm though, ngl! :p Also want to get the Derminator 2.
He's talking about using a derma roller instead of an expensive micro-needling machine.
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  • #33
He's talking about using a derma roller instead of an expensive micro-needling machine.
Yeah, I supposed so. The reason I don't want to use them is because they cause microtearing of the skin. Now, that might not be an issue for the scalp, I don't know. But I want to skinmaxx as well, hence I want my device to work for both purposes. :)
Why not?
If stopped, whenever that may be, the hairloss will once again continue full force.
a handful of reasons tbh.... for now just know that 5 alpha reductase also coverts into other essential compounds ,I believe the sides can be countered tbh}

I think 0.2-1mg for 10-20 years would be safe

currently hair loss is inevitable if u have balding genes
keep doing acute wound generation thou like micro needling and some hard special massages(it's not cope tbh ,I have some research papers )
Can't be arsed right now, besides it's expensive if you choose a good/electric (which you should) apparatus.
buy a dermapen or derma roller cheap af 10 dollars

Yeah, I supposed so. The reason I don't want to use them is because they cause microtearing of the skin. Now, that might not be an issue for the scalp, I don't know. But I want to skinmaxx as well, hence I want my device to work for both purposes. :)
bruh what? i didn;t understand
I am using a vitamin c serum currently from the Ordinary,
jew chemicals and endocrine disruptors
That is very interesting. Nearly sound too good to be true! Didn't you experience any negative sides effects, not even initially? And wasn't it hard mentally to adapt to the taste of raw meat? I have a hard time imagine myself being able to eat raw meats, ngl... :LOL:
Started doing minox and using ketaconzole. Will buy a microneedling device when I am not broke any more, lol. Do you think that fin is overboard? This is the current state of my hairline. Been at norwood 2 for 4-5 years, maybe even longer. Hoping it is not to late for me to see some regrowth to my hairline.




Is that basically making your own vitamin c+e serum? I am using a vitamin c serum currently from the Ordinary, but it is double the price that of your suggestion. I have used creams with vitamin e before as well, it seemed to be really good for my skin as well.
That makes me very glad to hear. It certainly seemed like less shitposting here and was the reason I joined. Looking forward to partake here.
That is very interesting. Nearly sound too good to be true! Didn't you experience any negative sides effects, not even initially? And wasn't it hard mentally to adapt to the taste of raw meat? I have a hard time imagine myself being able to eat raw meats, ngl... :LOL:
Sorry for the double post.

Side effects? My initial foray into raw meat started with me eating 1.5 kilograms of raw bacon, which is technically cured. It gave me a wicked headache.
Because of all the salt and sodium, ends up getting absorbed into the most fatty tissues you have, namely the brain. If you want to eat something salty, make sure you eat it with some raw cream so the salt gets absorbed that way. That being said; eating that much raw bacon had me wanting to fight people for like a good 2 hours. I stopped doing raw bacon after that and moved on to regular meats.
Also after the first four months, considering I was only eating muscle meat and fat, I started craving vitamin C and sodium. Vitamin C you can usually get in organ meat which I wasn't eating, and sodium comes in blood, which you dont get much off just eating ground beef or whatever.

Speaking of lowered lobito. Pick up some raw fatty bacon and eat it. I can almost guarantee you that it will come back naturally. I remember the day I lost my natural lobito; it was when I was borderline vegetarian at 28. If you can manage to also kill porn, do nofap, while getting yourself a girlfriend; In two years you may destroy the negative conditioning porn has left on you. Its really bloody tough.
i only remember slightly one of them was DHEA , I'll have to double check
I don't know the hormonal cascades which lead to the creation of DHEA, but mine is in the supraphysiological range on my blood tests.
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  • #40
bruh what? i didn;t understand

jew chemicals and endocrine disruptors
Most microneedling devices, especially cheap dermarollers, cause microtearing the skin. This is a kind of microwound that you don't want to make to your skin, as it will damage it in the long term, cause enlarged pores and stuff. The only device I know of that doesn't cause microtearing is the Derminator 2.

What about the Ordinarys products are problematic? I have only had good experiences using their products.
@Nnn give me that list of 5a-reductase hormonal by-produc
ok there is nothing to worry about u can kill fin side effects easily tbh
if ur sex drive is gone- take progestrone or allopregnanolone
killed mood and caused depression- take allopregnanolone
treating fin effects are easy there are more compounds
also fin is good for prostate

also about 5a products i told u I don't remember tbh..I'll have to check again and I'll check after ordering dht
one was androsterone iirc
supplement with androsterone it can deepen ur voice

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