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hey yall


New member
Dec 20, 2024
soo, im a male tryna maxx my looks. my jawline is reasonably good, ive got quite positive cantal tilt w minimal little upper eyelid exposure and my facial thirds are equal. my cheekbones are not definned and my facce is bloated even though im skinny (ab 7%bf). ive also got this strannge problem which is that i ccant breathe well when i mew correctly (with the back of my tongue on the roof of my mouth. its gonna be great to know yall annd to learn more bout looksmaxxing.
low bone mass, you will need surgery to fix this
if ur still in puberty its possible for change but ye
soo, im a male tryna maxx my looks. my jawline is reasonably good, ive got quite positive cantal tilt w minimal little upper eyelid exposure and my facial thirds are equal. my cheekbones are not definned and my facce is bloated even though im skinny (ab 7%bf). ive also got this strannge problem which is that i ccant breathe well when i mew correctly (with the back of my tongue on the roof of my mouth. its gonna be great to know yall annd to learn more bout looksmaxxing.
soo, im a male tryna maxx my looks. my jawline is reasonably good, ive got quite positive cantal tilt w minimal little upper eyelid exposure and my facial thirds are equal. my cheekbones are not definned and my facce is bloated even though im skinny (ab 7%bf). ive also got this strannge problem which is that i ccant breathe well when i mew correctly (with the back of my tongue on the roof of my mouth. its gonna be great to know yall hand to learn more bout looksmaxxing.
Remove the "O" and the two "G's" from your username and it spells "meth".