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Hi everyone


New member
Aug 19, 2021
My name is Alex and I am 30 years old (but I still look 25, thanks to a healthy lifestyle). I live in France
Between 16 and 21 I was a solid 7/10, but at 22 I started to get severe jaw problems and my daily life was even affected : Everytime I had a long social interaction I had to recover from it the day after, and I coudn't practice any intense physical activity. I was breathing through my mouth, and I noticed that between 20 and 24 my face slowly started to look uglier (jaw less prominent, eyes a little tired, crooked nose whereas my nose was perfect back in the day, asymetrical face. When I discovered mewing, I understood it was mainly because of that mouth breathing). I became a 6/10, and even 5/10 on bad days. I have spent a ton of money on treatments that didn't work for me, and finally found a dentist that could handle my case in December 2020. I started immediately, my pain is slowly decreasing and my jaw is slowly getting better. I also got back to the gym, more motivated than ever. I do mewing but I really cannot do it too much at the moment for technical reasons. In the future I will able to do it more and more
Hopefully the dental treatment and mewing will bring me back a perfect jaw, a symetrical face and forward pulled maxilla. For my nose, I am thinking about surgery but I will wait the end the treatment for that because I am not sure if and how it will affect my nose
I am also interested in anti-aging and healthy eating. When I understood my life was probably going to be shit for a number of years, I started to think about anything that can slow time down for my face and body

I come here to find as many things as possible to improve my face and contribute when I can bring something interesting
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Hopefully the dental treatment and mewing will bring me back a perfect jaw, a symetrical face and forward pulled maxilla.
Not gonna happen, start saving for surgery.
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  • #4
Not gonna happen, start saving for surgery.

My teeth are like this (I exagerated a little to emphasize the asymmetry)
Sans titre 1.jpg
At the end, maybe my face will not be perfectly symetrical but it will be so much better already. I can feel the tension the right side is generating on my face and neck, and my bones tend to crack and come back a little towards symetry when I wear my dental device

Here are two pictures of patients before / after the dental treatment I am currently following. What do you guys think ? No decisive change on the jawline, but to me :
- The eye area looks much better on both of them
- Their maxilla seems to be a little more advanced as there are less wrinkles in this area, especially for the first one

Sans titre 1.jpg
Sans titre 2.jpg

Aside from my crooked nose which will be my top priority after the treatment, I will definitely try surgery for my maxilla if the treatment + mewing do not work for that. If my jaw (which currently still looks nice outside, it's just that back in the day it was close to perfection) improves a little but does not come back to perfection, I will be fine. A jaw like Elvir Aljicevic would be ok for me
I will be 33 when the dental treatment ends, I better keep going on my anti-aging obsession 😁

If this area is not appropriate to go that much into details I can delete and repost in looksmaxxing
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My teeth are like this (I exagerated a little to emphasize the asymmetry)
View attachment 20775
At the end, maybe my face will not be perfectly symetrical but it will be so much better already. I can feel the tension the right side is generating on my face and neck, and my bones tend to crack and come back a little towards symetry when I wear my dental device

Here are two pictures of patients before / after the dental treatment I am currently following. What do you guys think ? No decisive change on the jawline, but to me :
- The eye area looks much better on both of them
- Their maxilla seems to be a little more advanced as there are less wrinkles in this area, especially for the first one

View attachment 20770
View attachment 20771

Aside from my crooked nose which will be my top priority after the treatment, I will definitely try surgery for my maxilla if the treatment + mewing do not work for that. If my jaw (which currently still looks nice outside, it's just that back in the day it was close to perfection) improves a little but does not come back to perfection, I will be fine. A jaw like Elvir Aljicevic would be ok for me
I will be 33 when the dental treatment ends, I better keep going on my anti-aging obsession 😁

If this area is not appropriate to go that much into details I can delete and repost in looksmaxxing
mewing is cope
Can you elab on the dental treatment you are following?
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The treatment consists of :
- Functional activators
There are several types, for all different stages during the treatment. I wore it as a "warm-up" a few weeks before the planas direct tracks with an exercice to reeducate oral sphere and I still do it. I also wear them a few minutes when I feel too much tension. They also seem to make mewing easier after you have worn it
- Planas direct tracks. They are often said to be only for children but they also work for adults, it's just that it is easier with children. They slowly expand the teeth as shown below. BTW they are very different from the usual plates often used by dentists
Sans titre 1.jpg
- Removable shims (I have not worn any yet to this day because I have only done 7 months in a 3 years process), to optimize the curve of spee and recenter mandible - maxilla
- Facets and onlays for a few damaged teeths

The cost for my case is 36 000 €
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  • #8
mandible - maxilla axis*, which is sometimes deviated and causes facial asymmetries. For my case, I can really feel it

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