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JFL High thought:

only theoretical ways so far are CTC, time dilation, and wormholes
all of them are theoretical and or very difficult/near impossible
CTC- Closed Timelike Curves, loops in spacetime that allow for traveling back in time. uses general relativity and black holes. dangerous and also we are nowhere near even exiting our solar system except for voyager 1 and 2, but the universe so big that they have barely made it outside
wormholes- uses black holes and theoretical white holes. entirely theoretical and will be unstable. would require exotic forms of matter to exist
time dilation- someone travelling extremely fast would be in the future relative to a stationary observer

now for the time police:
-grandfather paradox, this is illogical
-it would be exploited
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  • #11
only theoretical ways so far are CTC, time dilation, and wormholes
all of them are theoretical and or very difficult/near impossible
CTC- Closed Timelike Curves, loops in spacetime that allow for traveling back in time. uses general relativity and black holes. dangerous and also we are nowhere near even exiting our solar system except for voyager 1 and 2, but the universe so big that they have barely made it outside
wormholes- uses black holes and theoretical white holes. entirely theoretical and will be unstable. would require exotic forms of matter to exist
time dilation- someone travelling extremely fast would be in the future relative to a stationary observer

now for the time police:
-grandfather paradox, this is illogical
-it would be exploited
They keep things in order
Infinite time =infinite possibilities
but not for humans, nor the universe,

by the way time travelling in my opinion is only possible forward, not backwards, since travelling in time forward would mean to move very fast, but travelling backwards should mean moving negatively fast? and that's not possible for us humans, maybe with some theories such as wormholes, but they are just unverified theories. speed is either nonexistent or its value is positive
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  • #20
but not for humans, nor the universe,

by the way time travelling in my opinion is only possible forward, not backwards, since travelling in time forward would mean to move very fast, but travelling backwards should mean moving negatively fast? and that's not possible for us humans, maybe with some theories such as wormholes, but they are just unverified theories. speed is either nonexistent or its value is positive
Its possible backwards but as soon as u disrupt anything it creates an alternate universe. This would probably be what time police are preventing.. which would make sense considering we dont know how to travel back in time yet other than with speed and physics.
Its possible backwards but as soon as u disrupt anything it creates an alternate universe. This would probably be what time police are preventing.. which would make sense considering we dont know how to travel back in time yet other than with speed and physics.
don't forget that all the made theories are just math-made man-made theories which AREN'T verified and can fall apart easily, like, who said that black holes send you to a f*****g alternate universe or some other shit and they don't just compress that matter infinitely?

whiteholes and wormholes are theories DERIVATED from another theory, which is the way blackholes act

even if those theories would be true they would only work for non-physical entities such as energy, not matter
Its possible backwards but as soon as u disrupt anything it creates an alternate universe. This would probably be what time police are preventing.. which would make sense considering we dont know how to travel back in time yet other than with speed and physics.
creates an anlterate universe -> energy from nothing
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  • #23
creates an anlterate universe -> energy from nothing

don't forget that all the made theories are just math-made man-made theories which AREN'T verified and can fall apart easily, like, who said that black holes send you to a f*****g alternate universe or some other shit and they don't just compress that matter infinitely?

whiteholes and wormholes are theories DERIVATED from another theory, which is the way blackholes act

even if those theories would be true they would only work for non-physical entities such as energy, not matter
Speed force
by the way time travelling in my opinion is only possible forward, not backwards, since travelling in time forward would mean to move very fast,
it is possible to go backwards
time is slower when next to something that has a strong gravitational pull. also time when you are travelling at near speed of light is slower.
say there is a black hole near our solar system (not too close to disrupt ours significantly)
so lets say some guy is travelling around a black hole really quickly, but doesnt get sucked in (doesnt go too close to the event horizon). then he kinda hangs around that area. then earth observers come along a few years later to check up on him. for him it might be a small amount of time. but for them it has been years. so in that moment, in that place, those earth observers have experienced the past, and seen the past guy
its kinda like the future meeting up with the past guy by going to a location where time was slower.
meanwhile the understood going to the future which most people accept as possible is the guy from the past who was near the black hole coming back to the earth. so you have to twist that
Its possible backwards but as soon as u disrupt anything it creates an alternate universe. This would probably be what time police are preventing.. which would make sense considering we dont know how to travel back in time yet other than with speed and physics.
no, your mere existence would disrupt it. its not just you kick a rock and it makes an alternate universe. the sheer presence is alone able to cause the butterfly effect. so then what is the time police purpose?
don't forget that all the made theories are just math-made man-made theories which AREN'T verified and can fall apart easily, like, who said that black holes send you to a f*****g alternate universe or some other shit and they don't just compress that matter infinitely?

whiteholes and wormholes are theories DERIVATED from another theory, which is the way blackholes act

even if those theories would be true they would only work for non-physical entities such as energy, not matter
Blackhole theory is real in my opinion but the problem is we'll never be this evolved to travel at light speed or have enough resources to go to blackhole doesn't matter how civilised we become
Only theory i believe in is wormholes
no, your mere existence would disrupt it. its not just you kick a rock and it makes an alternate universe. the sheer presence is alone able to cause the butterfly effect. so then what is the time police purpose?
I heard there's a theory called self healing timeline something like that where the nature automatically corrects changes in paradox
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  • #32
but not for humans, nor the universe,

by the way time travelling in my opinion is only possible forward, not backwards, since travelling in time forward would mean to move very fast, but travelling backwards should mean moving negatively fast? and that's not possible for us humans, maybe with some theories such as wormholes, but they are just unverified theories. speed is either nonexistent or its value is positive
There will oneday be a near identacle species to us or probably is and if there is a multiverse than weve just delved too far into a simple high thought😭
it is possible to go backwards
time is slower when next to something that has a strong gravitational pull. also time when you are travelling at near speed of light is slower.
say there is a black hole near our solar system (not too close to disrupt ours significantly)
so lets say some guy is travelling around a black hole really quickly, but doesnt get sucked in (doesnt go too close to the event horizon). then he kinda hangs around that area. then earth observers come along a few years later to check up on him. for him it might be a small amount of time. but for them it has been years. so in that moment, in that place, those earth observers have experienced the past, and seen the past guy
its kinda like the future meeting up with the past guy by going to a location where time was slower.
meanwhile the understood going to the future which most people accept as possible is the guy from the past who was near the black hole coming back to the earth. so you have to twist that
Yeah, but the time which has passed is equivalent for both sides, if we consider that for the earth observers the time passes normally (let's say 1s / s) and let's say that the time which has to pass is 1 billion seconds, it will take a few years for earth obserbers to experience those seconds, while for the man orbiting around the blackhole if the time passes way faster (100 million seconds / the actual seconds, so 100mil s/ s) he STILL experiences those billion seconds just way faster than the earth observers

So the only right point is that technically the blackhole man time travelled forward, but the earth observers didnt see him neither in the past, just in the present
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  • #34
Yeah, but the time which has passed is equivalent for both sides, if we consider that for the earth observers the time passes normally (let's say 1s / s) and let's say that the time which has to pass is 1 billion seconds, it will take a few years for earth obserbers to experience those seconds, while for the man orbiting around the blackhole if the time passes way faster (100 million seconds / the actual seconds, so 100mil s/ s) he STILL experiences those billion seconds just way faster than the earth observers

So the only right point is that technically the blackhole man time travelled forward, but the earth observers didnt see him neither in the past, just in the present
Thats if he wasnt dead
Blackhole theory is real in my opinion but the problem is we'll never be this evolved to travel at light speed or have enough resources to go to blackhole doesn't matter how civilised we become
Only theory i believe in is wormholes
The parallel universe theory is very less than just a theory, it just some kind of superstition, physical parallel universe are pretty much nonsense, either the universe is bigger or it is alone. The only theory which makes sense about parallel universes is the philosophical one, which intends that there are many infinite possible which our universe could've been, starting from us deciding to take a shit or not

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