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Experience HOLY SHIT


Active member
Jun 13, 2023
I was in a bar with some of my friends, very popular bar where I live and a lot of famous people can be seen there. A man came up to my table and asked me if he can talk to me, I went over to him he introduced himself told me he's a designer and works ina modeling agency. He asked if he can contact my parents firstly and wanted to recruit me. Should I accept the deal and what are your thoughts ab this?
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  • #2
I was in a bar with some of my friends, very popular bar where I live and a lot of famous people can be seen there. A man came up to my table and asked me if he can talk to me, I went over to him he introduced himself told me he's a designer and works ina modeling agency. He asked if he can contact my parents firstly and wanted to recruit me. Should I accept the deal and what are your thoughts ab this?
Don't think it's anything big tho
Model level looks guy on looksmaxxing forum jfl.
Yes, accept the deal.
Yeah just don’t pay him any money. There’s scams with this where they say they need so much money to get you in for something and then you’ll be a famous model and then they just take the money
Ask for the contract to read, your model agent is everything in this business. Be prepared, they might make you cover the costs for your own photoshoot, look book, and other expenses.
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #12
Ask for the contract to read, your model agent is everything in this business. Be prepared, they might make you cover the costs for your own photoshoot, look book, and other expenses.
Money is not a problem for me
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  • #14
Still need to check if they're legit since these are the guys who'll get you gigs and promote you.
Is it worth even trying as a chadlite? Not rating myself thats what most of people said
I was in a bar with some of my friends, very popular bar where I live and a lot of famous people can be seen there. A man came up to my table and asked me if he can talk to me, I went over to him he introduced himself told me he's a designer and works ina modeling agency. He asked if he can contact my parents firstly and wanted to recruit me. Should I accept the deal and what are your thoughts ab this?
Larp or you look like an alien
I was in a bar with some of my friends, very popular bar where I live and a lot of famous people can be seen there. A man came up to my table and asked me if he can talk to me, I went over to him he introduced himself told me he's a designer and works ina modeling agency. He asked if he can contact my parents firstly and wanted to recruit me. Should I accept the deal and what are your thoughts ab this?
damn man thats some rare encounter.
What's my potential? Some said maybe chad just wondering and trynna get different opinions
Of course your potential is Chad I mean you are basically Chad irl already especially when you finish puberty
I was in a bar with some of my friends, very popular bar where I live and a lot of famous people can be seen there. A man came up to my table and asked me if he can talk to me, I went over to him he introduced himself told me he's a designer and works ina modeling agency. He asked if he can contact my parents firstly and wanted to recruit me. Should I accept the deal and what are your thoughts ab this?
wow good job

Accept the deal👍
There are two types of agencies, find out which one you've got the deal with. Also, go on and find the biggest agencies in your country. You can google "model agency [your country]" and send your info to the listed agencies. Check the portfolio and news feed of the agencies Review the portfolios of models represented by the agency. Look at how often these models are getting booked for jobs - frequent work is a green flag. Be cautious if an agency promotes just one model while many others on their roster seem inactive or underutilized.

1. Mother agency - basically this will be your manager. They will schedule everything, provide catwalk courses, take polaroids, and promote you. Eventually, they will sign you up with a regular modeling agency that will give you work contracts with big-name brands. A mother agency usually takes 10%-20% of your revenue. You can start with them and gradually build up your career.

2. Modeling agency (usually located in fashion capitals aka Milan, Paris, New York, London) - They provide jobs: ad shoots, fashion shows, etc., often during fashion weeks. They usually take 20 - 50% of your revenue per job contract with a big name. You can go straight to them, but they might require you to move to their country for job offers.

Important Notes:

If an agency ever asks you to pay for shoots, it's likely a scam. A good way to check if an agency is legit is by checking their listing on However, even if they are listed, be cautious, as agencies can pay to be listed there.

READ EVERY WORD on your contract before signing. If possible, have a lawyer or your parents review it (sharing your contract with an outsiders can violate confidentiality clauses). Fines and penalties are common in modeling contracts, and they are not necessarily a scam.

6'4" at 14 is insane, you will grow a couple inches more, so you probably won't get to earn money later. 6'3 is usually the limit for height in modeling (fashion shows). Your height might be a dealbreaker. Some male models exceed this height, though it can limit certain opportunities. Height limits can vary by market and agency.

If a contract lasts only one year, it might indicate that the agency is not fully committed to you. Typically, a 2-3 year contract shows more commitment and gives you enough time to build your career.
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  • #39
There are two types of agencies, find out which one you've got the deal with. Also, go on and find the biggest agencies in your country. You can google "model agency [your country]" and send your info to the listed agencies. Check the portfolio and news feed of the agencies Review the portfolios of models represented by the agency. Look at how often these models are getting booked for jobs - frequent work is a green flag. Be cautious if an agency promotes just one model while many others on their roster seem inactive or underutilized.

1. Mother agency - basically this will be your manager. They will schedule everything, provide catwalk courses, take polaroids, and promote you. Eventually, they will sign you up with a regular modeling agency that will give you work contracts with big-name brands. A mother agency usually takes 10%-20% of your revenue. You can start with them and gradually build up your career.

2. Modeling agency (usually located in fashion capitals aka Milan, Paris, New York, London) - They provide jobs: ad shoots, fashion shows, etc., often during fashion weeks. They usually take 20 - 50% of your revenue per job contract with a big name. You can go straight to them, but they might require you to move to their country for job offers.

Important Notes:

If an agency ever asks you to pay for shoots, it's likely a scam. A good way to check if an agency is legit is by checking their listing on However, even if they are listed, be cautious, as agencies can pay to be listed there.

READ EVERY WORD on your contract before signing. If possible, have a lawyer or your parents review it (sharing your contract with an outsiders can violate confidentiality clauses). Fines and penalties are common in modeling contracts, and they are not necessarily a scam.

6'4" at 14 is insane, you will grow a couple inches more, so you probably won't get to earn money later. 6'3 is usually the limit for height in modeling (fashion shows). Your height might be a dealbreaker. Some male models exceed this height, though it can limit certain opportunities. Height limits can vary by market and agency.

If a contract lasts only one year, it might indicate that the agency is not fully committed to you. Typically, a 2-3 year contract shows more commitment and gives you enough time to build your career.
Thanks a lot man appreciate it a lot now I know who to ask if I need anything
Thanks a lot man appreciate it a lot now I know who to ask if I need anything
Nah, bro, I’ve just started recently too. I had a lot of unanswered questions, and there was no info on the web whatsoever :pepehands:. You can probably ask @maria12 she's a model too.

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