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Discussion How big is your ambition ?

Show me how ambitious are you?

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Ethan Asia

Chintuck22 on org
May 21, 2020
Just curious about guys here, how big is your dream,

I see so many members here, but want to know if you're ambitious? What are your current goals? What do you plan to do in the future? How was your past?

I'm living alone in the house i built, life's pretty allright. Mostly doing farming since i'm into self sufficiency. Today i bought some ancient wheat from a nice humble man. I was welcomed to sit and have dinner with him, I felt honored.

It's hard to stay motivated when you're stranded between grace and disgrace of others, and when you're Blackpilled it's impossible to stay motivated when there's 0 opportunities infront of you. But i'm here to tell you that you're not alone, and that people care about you. There's somebody that cares about your opinion, the way you speak, dress, think, and act. It's funny how there's always a different version of you inside of people's head. But you're being you, and by being you, you're embracing life.

Here's the thing, blackpill shouldn't suprise you, people wanting you dead all the time shouldn't suprise you, you will always have haters, being yourself advice is unironically legit; if you're incel embrace your pain and suffering, be yourself and learn to live with it. Maybe you'll meet your gf 1 year from now, maybe 5yrs from now, maybe 20yrs and maybe never :) That's life. Die now, die later. Until that day, play your favorite music, crack a cold one, and put on that smile.
Just because you don't have a gf, that does not mean that your life has to fail. You're still young. You can do so much with your life, you can learn a skill and possibly help someone. Study to become Doctor, Electrician, then help people, learn to draw and you may inspire someone. Life is not just about girlfriend, you're in this life with other people who also suffer, and i don't want people to suffer! I pray that you're not suffering and i hope everyone's having a good day!
every day i am grinding
i lose sleep for the grind
i am almost always doing something
my biggest ambition is learning. i am studying for many hours a day, or learning from the videos, experiences, media from the world
i want to be an astrophysicist and build an organization for discovering le secrets of the universe
i want to be married and have a bunch of kids and pets
i want to invest in other hobbies
i want to write and draw a comic book/story
i want to help the world
- I want to quit my manager job, i want to become a male nurse
- If i date a girl it will be for long term, marriage, and kids
- About to build my own house in the next 5 years and be a part of the construction
- Still staying fit and looksmaxxed
- Rural lifestyle as i already do
Just curious about guys here, how big is your dream,

I see so many members here, but want to know if you're ambitious? What are your current goals? What do you plan to do in the future? How was your past?

I'm living alone in the house i built, life's pretty allright. Mostly doing farming since i'm into self sufficiency. Today i bought some ancient wheat from a nice humble man. I was welcomed to sit and have dinner with him, I felt honored.

It's hard to stay motivated when you're stranded between grace and disgrace of others, and when you're Blackpilled it's impossible to stay motivated when there's 0 opportunities infront of you. But i'm here to tell you that you're not alone, and that people care about you. There's somebody that cares about your opinion, the way you speak, dress, think, and act. It's funny how there's always a different version of you inside of people's head. But you're being you, and by being you, you're embracing life.

Here's the thing, blackpill shouldn't suprise you, people wanting you dead all the time shouldn't suprise you, you will always have haters, being yourself advice is unironically legit; if you're incel embrace your pain and suffering, be yourself and learn to live with it. Maybe you'll meet your gf 1 year from now, maybe 5yrs from now, maybe 20yrs and maybe never :) That's life. Die now, die later. Until that day, play your favorite music, crack a cold one, and put on that smile.
My ambition is to live my life at a slower pace than most people whilst achieving much much more. Money is necessary but not nowhere near as important to me as time and freedom.
Just curious about guys here, how big is your dream,

I see so many members here, but want to know if you're ambitious? What are your current goals? What do you plan to do in the future? How was your past?

I'm living alone in the house i built, life's pretty allright. Mostly doing farming since i'm into self sufficiency. Today i bought some ancient wheat from a nice humble man. I was welcomed to sit and have dinner with him, I felt honored.

It's hard to stay motivated when you're stranded between grace and disgrace of others, and when you're Blackpilled it's impossible to stay motivated when there's 0 opportunities infront of you. But i'm here to tell you that you're not alone, and that people care about you. There's somebody that cares about your opinion, the way you speak, dress, think, and act. It's funny how there's always a different version of you inside of people's head. But you're being you, and by being you, you're embracing life.

Here's the thing, blackpill shouldn't suprise you, people wanting you dead all the time shouldn't suprise you, you will always have haters, being yourself advice is unironically legit; if you're incel embrace your pain and suffering, be yourself and learn to live with it. Maybe you'll meet your gf 1 year from now, maybe 5yrs from now, maybe 20yrs and maybe never :) That's life. Die now, die later. Until that day, play your favorite music, crack a cold one, and put on that smile.
It’s a meh at the moment