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How big of a failo is it to act low t, high inhib, and white for black mtns and htns?

Blacks always seem high T no matter what
But I've seen some Africans ( Not American Africans ) in my country, they are literally different races I swear...
Quit bein retarded it obviously isn’t in the black community
What are you saying? It depends on their face and trust and all that chit, along with the community they're in. If they're in a predominantly black community it's a failo for that but if they're in a white or white-influenced area it's better to be known as the geeky black kid than the gangbanger. Also is height even playing in? I know tons of nerdy black guys at my school who can still kinda slay bc of their height and frame and trustable face. And you say mtn-htn for blacks, there is a lot of looks for blacks(height,frame,musclemass, face,hair) . Honestly the best way to act is the fratboyish personality in a white community. Best balance of both. Black community, 100% want to gangbangermax. Anyways most blacks seem to be just pretty High T.
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What are you saying? It depends on their face and trust and all that chit, along with the community they're in. If they're in a predominantly black community it's a failo for that but if they're in a white or white-influenced area it's better to be known as the geeky black kid than the gangbanger. Also is height even playing in? I know tons of nerdy black guys at my school who can still kinda slay bc of their height and frame and trustable face. And you say mtn-htn for blacks, there is a lot of looks for blacks(height,frame,musclemass, face,hair) . Honestly the best way to act is the fratboyish personality in a white community. Best balance of both. Black community, 100% want to gangbangermax. Anyways most blacks seem to be just pretty High T.
What are YOU saying??

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