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How can I originally rope

You can ask your pfp, dear Nietzsche about it. Somehow, he always used to really say unsaid, unseen and unimaginable things in this universe which didn't even come to anyone's head in a gleam before. I mean, we, people, have our thoughts and opinions, which we call “ours” but they’ve come from some other people, authorities and so on… yea, there was Schopenhauer, Wagner which had an impact on him too but… that was something else…
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You can ask your pfp, dear Nietzsche about it. Somehow, he always used to really say unsaid, unseen and unimaginable things in this universe which didn't even come to anyone's head in a gleam before. I mean, we, people, have our thoughts and opinions, which we call “ours” but they’ve come from some other people, authorities and so on… yea, there was Schopenhauer, Wagner which had an impact on him too but… that was something else…
"Pavel, you're recessed subhuman and should do triple bimax and Quadruple leg lengthening surgery or suicide." (c) Nietsczhe

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