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Rage how can people hit shoulders everyday and skip legs

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How about just skip all of it
yeah i will prob stop gym after i get enough muscle to cut. i am skinnyfat and starved for like half a year, this brutally nuked the tiny muscle i had and now i weigh 120 at 5'11
It is difficult to seriously workout any muscle on any day for me.

Motivation is low when you've suffered as a sub 8 lifelong.
you should train arms, forearms and shoulders first every workout, thank me in a few years.
its very easy to have decent chest and back, legs are overrated the bigger they are the smaller you upperbody looks
shoulders, arms and forearms are king followed by neck and upper traps and because they are harder to grow its best to start your lifting journey already focusing on them, with time they become dominant in the compound lifts and its a win win
there are a few more fun exercises than doing lateral raises all the time, BTN press is a great shoulder builder, Lu raises are also fun, they both stimulate your upper traps aswell
I never do legs. Even when I gymcelled I didn't. There's no point to hitting legs if you can walk and run tbh

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