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Experience How can you be depressed as a rich attractive white girl. Again DNRS DO NOT ENTER


⇱ℌ𝔢𝔞𝔳𝔢𝔫𝔩𝔶 𝔗𝔯𝔲𝔱𝔥𝔰 ⇲
Jul 30, 2023
(Prepping for DNRs) I don’t get it, you are literally living on tutorial mode. How… maybe I just sound selfish or self centred but god I’d trade my life for the majority of my friends. For some reason the majority of my friends suffer from mental illnesses, anxiety, depression, eating disorders and whatnot and the vast majority of them happen to be rich white teenage girls.

I recently got into an argument with my friend from my old town. She was angry at me because I went back there and slept over at a different friend’s house without telling her. I told her the only reason I went there was to get my stuff and I only ended up staying over because public transportation is tiring. (To be fair, she’s the only one that has come down to visit me since I moved so i understand why she’d be upset) She then left me on delivered for like a week and I kept asking her why she was mad at me with no reply, eventually I removed her because I didn’t want to be a beg.

Fast forward to today, 10 days later. She adds me again asking why I removed her, I explained why and then she starts to rant on about how she’s depressed and lonely. The whole time I felt like she was guilt tripping me and I could not for the life of me take her problems seriously. IMG_2774.jpeg
(Sam is her boyfriend) I just couldn’t take her seriously.I know comparing myself to other girls is wrong but I’ve gone 8 months without a phone, no contact with people, no friends and became active on forum for involuntary celibate men. I’ve never had boyfriend when she’s had about 4, I’ve never had a best friend when she’s had about 20. I’m being raised in a broke household with an immigrant mother who believes depression is the “white mans disease”. She has a loving father who she’s very rude to and a massive house. She’s always been an attractive white girl and I’m an unattractive black girl. I’m living with undiagnosed untreated adhd and/or autism. She gets private healthcare. It gets hard not to compare

I started to rant and told her I’ve got shit going on too but then I deleted it because I thought I was being too selfish. She then told me that she was going to kill herself today and the reason she added me again was to sort things out. This made me freak out and just begin apologising. Eventually I sent her this. She said she appreciated me saying this and that was the end.IMG_2775.jpeg
I’m having such mixed feelings about this though. Maybe I’m selfish. I don’t know. Someone tell me honestly what you think
because they dont feel the same suffering as others.
to them, a minor inconvenience is a great deal, because they are already
imagine red is rich and good life and blue is average/suffering
this is how pain will feel to them (yellow)
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  • #6
White women cannot suffer. Deathnik foids can suffer slightly but their entire life suffering is only a fraction of what average men will feel in a single day
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  • #7
because they dont feel the same suffering as others.
to them, a minor inconvenience is a great deal, because they are already
View attachment 42657
imagine red is rich and good life and blue is average/suffering
this is how pain will feel to them (yellow)
True, didn’t really think of it this way
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  • #8
anyways drop her ass if shes no good
I think she’s the only person that’s been truly nice to me in my entire life. I can’t drop her. She’s never been my best friend but she’s always been my closest. But god it gets tough hearing about minuscule problems
I think she’s the only person that’s been truly nice to me in my entire life. I can’t drop her. She’s never been my best friend but she’s always been my closest. But god it gets tough hearing about minuscule problems
I think she’s the only person that’s been truly nice to me in my entire life. I can’t drop her. She’s never been my best friend but she’s always been my closest. But god it gets tough hearing about minuscule problems
she can afford therapy or na
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  • #14
He wants u so bad
Go tk her house and makenout w her
She’s the straightest girl I know. I actually used to have a crush on her before we became friends but it immediately went away when I realised how unbelievably straight she was
She’s the straightest girl I know. I actually used to have a crush on her before we became friends but it immediately went away when I realised how unbelievably straight she was
I'm never wrong she wants u
Jokes apart if my best friend told me he thinks about killing himself I would run to his house asap
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  • #16
I'm never wrong she wants u
Jokes apart if my best friend told me he thinks about killing himself I would run to his house asap
I live an hour away. I texted my other friend asking to check up on her
I'm never wrong she wants u
Jokes apart if my best friend told me he thinks about killing himself I would run to his house asap
Would he ever flat out tell you he's gotta kill himself in the middle of a i guess " argument" or just a "i love you" message at 3am
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  • #19
Having looks and money isn’t everything. It would be a problem if she was complaining about those things, but not if it’s about something else.
What do you think is most valuable in life
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  • #22
Take train or smth text her you are coming and tell her to be calm idk
she told me she was fine and to relax when I freaked out about it
White women are lame tbh. Specially pretty ones. I really feel a lot of hate when I see one, I just know she is evil.
I feel like they are demons, taking nice beautiful Appearance to destroy everyone.
White women are lame tbh. Specially pretty ones. I really feel a lot of hate when I see one, I just know she is evil.
I feel like they are demons, taking nice beautiful Appearance to destroy everyone.
such cope
even as a subhuman who is innately hated by women for my looks and race, White Women have always been the kindest to me. I sense that they almost pity the fact that I have to live in pain the way that I do. Shitskin women are happy to see me suffer though they hate me like nobodys business
such cope
even as a subhuman who is innately hated by women for my looks and race, White Women have always been the kindest to me. I sense that they almost pity the fact that I have to live in pain the way that I do. Shitskin women are happy to see me suffer though they hate me like nobodys business
They are just laughing at you. They adore seeing people approve them as superior
But there's nothing I hate more than white pretty women. Así said, they act like angels, but are truly devilish. I do see the evil in their eyes I swear every time I see one I know she hurted someone and enjoyed it.
Rich white girls are the most brainwashed they are bound to be depressed jfl

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