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Discussion How did you guys feel when you first started driving?


I am too busy solving complex geometrical problems
Established ★
Oct 2, 2023
The Paragon
It was scary ngl when I went on the road.

Can't even keep track of all the stuff and rules to do...

Over for my brain ngl
It was scary ngl when I went on the road.

Can't even keep track of all the stuff and rules to do...

Over for my brain ngl
It was a bit scary for me too, but what was even scarier was teaching my wife to drive after she got her learner's permit. There was a lot of yelling and a lot of crying.
I didn’t really drive a car THAT much when I started driving, I rode a motorcycle. and it was a little scary to drive on the highway at first, but you get used to it
I didn’t really drive a car THAT much when I started driving, I rode a motorcycle. and it was a little scary to drive on the highway at first, but you get used to it
driving a car feels slower/less mobile though since things like turning, accelerating/decelerating, etc take more time and you now have to give a wider berth
on a motorcycle I can turn on a dime and accelerate a lotfaster
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I didn’t really drive a car THAT much when I started driving, I rode a motorcycle. and it was a little scary to drive on the highway at first, but you get used to it
Never rode a bike in my life, don't plan on doing that too

driving a car feels slower/less mobile though since things like turning, accelerating/decelerating, etc take more time and you now have to give a wider berth
on a motorcycle I can turn on a dime and accelerate a lotfaster
I see
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when I nearly drove onto the pavement full gas.
I'm not rather good at controlling the pressure on the accelerator nor the brakes.

I either get unsmooth movement excessively ( fast-slow-fast-slow wtc )

I also find myself constantly micro adjusting the wheel out of fear for slowly drifting out of the lane.

My first time though, I'm sure it'll get better
I'm not rather good at controlling the pressure on the accelerator nor the brakes.

I either get unsmooth movement excessively ( fast-slow-fast-slow wtc )

I also find myself constantly micro adjusting the wheel out of fear for slowly drifting out of the lane.

My first time though, I'm sure it'll get better
You will get better I thought I was getting better but my driving instructor keeps shit talking me that I'm making mistakes

not checking the mirror on a round about or some other shit
I'm not rather good at controlling the pressure on the accelerator nor the brakes.

I either get unsmooth movement excessively ( fast-slow-fast-slow wtc )

I also find myself constantly micro adjusting the wheel out of fear for slowly drifting out of the lane.

My first time though, I'm sure it'll get better
Yeah, it takes a bit of time to adjust, but eventually, everything just becomes second nature.
Tell me about it…

Getting the bite on them can be a hassle too, especially as I’m someone who sucks on the bite kek
The best way is to either give it good gas while releasing the clutch gradually or use the handbrake method: apply gas, release the handbrake, and slowly let go of the clutch.
The best way is to either give it good gas while releasing the clutch gradually or use the handbrake method: apply gas, release the handbrake, and slowly let go of the clutch.
I use either depending on the situation really, my main issue is I tend to be a bit too hard on the clutch after I find the bite
After I find the bite I press the clutch slightly too much down so when I get the bite I lose it again lol
Once you find the bite point, keep your foot steady on the clutch without pressing it any further. Hold it right at that spot, and you’ll feel a slight vibration as the car begins to engage. Then, gradually apply the gas to move forward smoothly. no need to rush it. With time you wil eventually learn it.
Once you find the bite point, keep your foot steady on the clutch without pressing it any further. Hold it right at that spot, and you’ll feel a slight vibration as the car begins to engage. Then, gradually apply the gas to move forward smoothly. no need to rush it. With time you wil eventually learn it.
tbh it’s just me stressing because my head be dumb dumb

when I go on autopilot I’m fine but when I’m too conscious I mess up kek
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