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How do i make my jaw grow?


Jul 10, 2019
I think my midface got shorter but i always had a weak jaw and no it looks even weaker. How the hell do i make my jaw grow
I think my midface got shorter but i always had a weak jaw and no it looks even weaker. How the hell do i make my jaw grow
pm me bro pics of your upper palate, bite and lower third. use imgur!
btw you make your jaw wider by expanding your upper palate (carry on mewing)
I think my midface got shorter but i always had a weak jaw and no it looks even weaker. How the hell do i make my jaw grow
besides mewing and chewing there are three ways:
> chin implant and jaw angle implants 40000 euros for chin, 6000 for both
> BSSO (mandible sagittal osteotomy), 10000euros in western europe, 5000 in eastern europe
> lipofilling on chin and jaw, 2000 euros in western europe, 1000 euros in eastern europe
besides mewing and chewing there are three ways:
> chin implant and jaw angle implants 40000 euros for chin, 6000 for both
> BSSO (mandible sagittal osteotomy), 10000euros in western europe, 5000 in eastern europe
> lipofilling on chin and jaw, 2000 euros in western europe, 1000 euros in eastern europe
Yea but how does the jaw grow with mewing? There is no force made onto the lower jaw. I get that peoole say that the lower jaw just follows but how?
Yea but how does the jaw grow with mewing? There is no force made onto the lower jaw. I get that peoole say that the lower jaw just follows but how?
if your molars are touching your lower will get moved as well
if your molars are touching your lower will get moved as well
So my teeth have to be in contact all the time? I will look like a monkey like that, cause my jaw and chin looks so weak now i have to jut it foward to look normal. I never had this problem befor mewing
So my teeth have to be in contact all the time? I will look like a monkey like that, cause my jaw and chin looks so weak now i have to jut it foward to look normal. I never had this problem befor mewing
yeah always in contact. i used to jut out my jaw as well but then i realized jutting out my jaw would just slow down my progress, nowadays i just walk around in a chintuck.
yeah always in contact. i used to jut out my jaw as well but then i realized jutting out my jaw would just slow down my progress, nowadays i just walk around in a chintuck.
Yea i try to chin tuck all day. But the teeth think is what i never got. So u actually got jaw gains after a while? Like did your jaw grow?
Yea i try to chin tuck all day. But the teeth think is what i never got. So u actually got jaw gains after a while? Like did your jaw grow?
yeah my mandible came forward a little bit so i got more chin protrusion
So my teeth have to be in contact all the time? I will look like a monkey like that, cause my jaw and chin looks so weak now i have to jut it foward to look normal. I never had this problem befor mewing
maybe the tongue muscles push the jaw forward while they contract to lift the tongue against the palate
if your molars are touching your lower will get moved as well
O shit I forgot about the whole teeth touching thing. Does it prevent mewing results when not touching the molars?
O shit I forgot about the whole teeth touching thing. Does it prevent mewing results when not touching the molars?
idk if it will prevent mewing results but it can make your jaw look worse
Well many mentioned chewing and mewing. But other than the surgery option. I would recommend growing out a goatee which gives the illusion of a long jaw and adds forward projection to the chin as well making it line up with forehead and past