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How do you avoid this?


New member
May 20, 2024
How do you avoid being double-crossed in life, or stop letting people walk all over you? I want to abstain from the movie methods. I watch all these movies and shows and shit, where they use violence. Though, I feel like that's not very logical, and there are other ways to go about it, yet I don't really know what. Any suggestions? I probably won't ever encounter a situation like this in my lifetime, so I won't have to worry, anyway. It would be good to know, though.
iq maxx and the answer will reveal to yourself.
also, how tall are you? if people think they can walk over you they will
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I feel like it all stems from fear, but I don't know how to instill that without violence. Height alone I don't think will be enough. I don't think presence and aura will be enough either.
I feel like it all stems from fear, but I don't know how to instill that without violence. Height alone I don't think will be enough. I don't think presence and aura will be enough either.
presence alone is enough, raise your t enough as to have violent thoughts and ideas, grow taller and people will fear you, also you will get more respect if you're pretty, height is pretty important without the other things too, grown men apologised for bumping into me when i was a 15 yo tall twink so there is that
How do you avoid being double-crossed in life, or stop letting people walk all over you? I want to abstain from the movie methods. I watch all these movies and shows and shit, where they use violence. Though, I feel like that's not very logical, and there are other ways to go about it, yet I don't really know what. Any suggestions? I probably won't ever encounter a situation like this in my lifetime, so I won't have to worry, anyway. It would be good to know, though.
be more silent, mind your own business

when people disrespect you laugh with them and disrespect them back, improve eye contact

get a deeper voice, gymmax and ascend
Just dont let them. If they ask you for some absurd favor say no, im busy. Dont try to surround yourself with people you particularly dont like. Be calm and collected. Improve your skills socially, and boost T, hit the gym.
How do you avoid being double-crossed in life, or stop letting people walk all over you? I want to abstain from the movie methods. I watch all these movies and shows and shit, where they use violence. Though, I feel like that's not very logical, and there are other ways to go about it, yet I don't really know what. Any suggestions? I probably won't ever encounter a situation like this in my lifetime, so I won't have to worry, anyway. It would be good to know, though.
The 48 Laws of Power would be a good place to start (book)
Hold beliefs close to you
And hold them tightly and don’t bend
i think it is more important to have an open mind, so that you can try and see other opinions and then understand them and choose what you do with that knowledge
No you have to stay strong willed in your beliefs
Or pick them very carefully to ensure you win
No you have to stay strong willed in your beliefs
obviously. but being openminded is valuable. for example, the allegory of the cave by platos. "In the allegory, Plato describes people that have spent their lives chained in a cave facing a blank wall. They watch shadows projected onto the wall by objects passing in front of a fire behind them, and they give names to these shadows. The shadows are the prisoners' reality but not accurate representations of the real world. The shadows represent the fragment of reality that we can normally perceive through our senses, while the objects under the sun represent the true forms of objects that we can only perceive through reason. "
we have to observe all of the world and embrace the fact that it exists, not run from it and hide in a cave. obviously be careful as well, and form a judgement at what you perceive, but opinions are constantly changing as more info is learned. at the moment there is so much more for an individual person to learn

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