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How do You Create an ALT

on .org I wanna troll
Do at your own risk. Just use an email generator, use a new name, and write different statement on why you want to join. Once the alt is completed they will know it's your cuz the org mods know where you live and which accounts are from which ips. You will be banned.
Do at your own risk. Just use an email generator, use a new name, and write different statement on why you want to join. Once the alt is completed they will not it's your cuz the org mods know where you live and which accounts are from which ips. You will be banned.
there my dawgs ill talk to em
then why did they accept me when i previously tried to make two accounts whilst checking the female box
They also have to choose to look at the acc details, which is why some people can get away for a long time. The IP doesn't show up when they post. They have to click on the account to see.
Do at your own risk. Just use an email generator, use a new name, and write different statement on why you want to join. Once the alt is completed they will know it's your cuz the org mods know where you live and which accounts are from which ips. You will be banned.
email generators get rejected
using a proxy allows for one account pretty sure, or dynamic IP with a router