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How do you guys feel about females in this forum


Well-known member
Jun 28, 2023
Ive been on bp forums for years now but i think this is the first one ik of that allows women openly. i personally think its chill even though looksmaxxing barely matters for foids the inclusivity is cool. ik a couple n*****s on here dont like it
what do u guys think
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  • #4
true, plus their ratings also give a better insight on how we as males r actually perceived by girls instead of just a bunch of other autists jfl
The only thing I don’t like is some of them go on these forums just to get validation from a bunch of depraved retards
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #6
The only thing I don’t like is some of them go on these forums just to get validation from a bunch of depraved retards
ive never seen any of the girls on here get validation from simps tho ive mostly only seen honest feedback and a lot of the time theyre just getting roasted 💀
The only thing I don’t like is some of them go on these forums just to get validation from a bunch of depraved retards
Yeah but so do a lot of dudes tho
Ive been on bp forums for years now but i think this is the first one ik of that allows women openly. i personally think its chill even though looksmaxxing barely matters for foids the inclusivity is cool. ik a couple n*****s on here dont like it
what do u guys think
I think they are fake
