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Discussion How do you think black people deserve to be treated?

They should be treated as any other person, there is nothing different besides the color of the skin.
I am a black Guy and curious. Are most in this community Resentful towards blacks?
We weren't even originally black. It is believed that we started out as folks who lived in africa for years, and because of the heat and the sun, we eventually started producing something to make our skin that color changing it to what we now see today. This includes bone structure. Either way we should be treated the same as everyone else. No question on that.
We weren't even originally black. It is believed that we started out as folks who lived in africa for years, and eventually started producing something to make our skin that color changing it to what we now see today. This includes bone structure. Either way we should be treated the same as everyone else. No question on that.
Mad true but we live in a world where that jus doesn’t happen sometimes
What makes you say this? And yes there is a lot of evidence supporting all life started in Africa but who knows
Research and science behind it. But there is also the possibility that God just made us that way according to my religion, but with or without it, this claim could still be correct. Like I said, it is a belief and a guess based off a of science and research, not a confirmed truth.
We weren't even originally black. It is believed that we started out as folks who lived in africa for years, and because of the heat and the sun, we eventually started producing something to make our skin that color changing it to what we now see today. This includes bone structure. Either way we should be treated the same as everyone else. No question on that.
we were originally black
we didnt spawn into africa as whites, we came from apes and those apes had dark skin. we continued that trait as it evolved because it was helpful against UV
we were originally black
we didnt spawn into africa as whites, we came from apes and those apes had dark skin. we continued that trait as it evolved because it was helpful against UV
Like I said. My religion believes that we were made that way but there are many scientific beliefs that could possibly be backed up, including yours, however I do not agree with the first one I said or yours respectfully. Just that God made us that way.
I feel like everything you have been saying is targeting me now bro. ah hell nah yo ahh knows where I live.
yes i do know where you live buddy im outside ur window…also unless your a hood n1gga this was not targeted

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