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How important is dick size? (FEMALES GTFIH)

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depends on how good you are at sex, most womens ideal is 5-6 and majority of women dont orgasm from penetration anyway so🤷‍♀️
Is 5-6 the ideal? I remember girls in my class, even at 14-15 saying that 7 inches Atleast.

Also the penetration one is cope apparently, it only applies to guys who have shit girth. Kinda like “size doesn’t matter” but I could be wrong
Is 5-6 the ideal? I remember girls in my class, even at 14-15 saying that 7 inches Atleast.

Also the penetration one is cope apparently, it only applies to guys who have shit girth. Kinda like “size doesn’t matter” but I could be wrong
those girls were probably larping virgins, and the penetration one is not cope at all. most girls cant even tell what ur excat size is anyway unless ur huge or have a micro.
The problem is that many men think they have a below average penis, largely because of porn and the perspective of looking down at their own. I used to think I was average too, until I realized I wasn’t. It's mostly in people's heads.

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