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Discussion How long do you think WW3 will last

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  • #7
Yes, the long term affects would be devastating, but I'm saying whole countries could be gone in days with the way things are now.
0% survival rate
How did humanity create a world destroyer on this level
Seems that leaders of the Soviet Union decided to stop there because they felt they were playing with fire. It was the most powerful thing man ever created.
lol i used to watch nuke compilation videos

we're cooked if we live in important cities that have military bases
or the other countries wont care and drop the nukes on civilian cities
only safe if you live in a low populated place distant from these cities or in a sustainable bunker
anyways, mutually assured destruction is what keeps us safe 😉
if youre a country at war without nukes against a one with, and there would be no social repercussions, at least they are ignored... then ur done
lol i used to watch nuke compilation videos

we're cooked if we live in important cities that have military bases
or the other countries wont care and drop the nukes on civilian cities
only safe if you live in a low populated place distant from these cities or in a sustainable bunker
West Virginia and good old redneck living is where it's at.

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