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Story How many aura points did I lose today?


⇱ℌ𝔢𝔞𝔳𝔢𝔫𝔩𝔶 𝔗𝔯𝔲𝔱𝔥𝔰 ⇲
Jul 30, 2023
My friend came down from the town I used to live in with her boyfriend and his friend. She came to my house while they drove around town. She brought her HHC vapes (like THC but legal in my country but it’s a lot stronger) we had some and I was feeling fine at this point just high as shit. We went out and walked around town and got some food and then met up with her boyfriend and his friend.

Her boyfriend had some snus so I took some (20mg). I don’t vape anymore so I’m not used to the nicotine. I immediately started feeling sick and needed to sit down. I threw up and passed out on the street. In middle of the day in a busy tourist town (where I live). I sat down in a corner as cars and people walked past as well as people from my school. I had my head in my hands and my eyes closed. In the moment I didn’t even give af because I felt so sick. After I got up and walked home and had a nap.

To be honest, I don’t even feel that embarrassed about it, I’ve seen my friends go through worse. It is what it is.
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generational aura debt
My house was a 20 minute walk from where we were, it took me nearly 2 hours to get home because I felt so sick
" Play stupid games, win stupid thins "
My friend came down from the town I used to live in with her boyfriend and his friend. She came to my house while they drove around town. She brought her HHC vapes (like THC but legal in my country but it’s a lot stronger) we had some and I was feeling fine at this point just high as shit. We went out and walked around town and got some food and then met up with her boyfriend and his friend.

Her boyfriend had some snus so I took some (20mg). I don’t vape anymore so I’m not used to the nicotine. I immediately started feeling sick and needed to sit down. I threw up and passed out on the street. In middle of the day in a busy tourist town (where I live). I sat down in a corner as cars and people walked past as well as people from my school. I had my head in my hands and my eyes closed. In the moment I didn’t even give af because I felt so sick. After I got up and walked home and had a nap.

To be honest, I don’t even feel that embarrassed about it, I’ve seen my friends go through worse. It is what it is.
your grandchildren will be paying your aura debt off :LOL:
My friend came down from the town I used to live in with her boyfriend and his friend. She came to my house while they drove around town. She brought her HHC vapes (like THC but legal in my country but it’s a lot stronger) we had some and I was feeling fine at this point just high as shit. We went out and walked around town and got some food and then met up with her boyfriend and his friend.

Her boyfriend had some snus so I took some (20mg). I don’t vape anymore so I’m not used to the nicotine. I immediately started feeling sick and needed to sit down. I threw up and passed out on the street. In middle of the day in a busy tourist town (where I live). I sat down in a corner as cars and people walked past as well as people from my school. I had my head in my hands and my eyes closed. In the moment I didn’t even give af because I felt so sick. After I got up and walked home and had a nap.

To be honest, I don’t even feel that embarrassed about it, I’ve seen my friends go through worse. It is what it is.
Try not to engage in such activities

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