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How many foids are here

I have a question how does sex for females feel
Like some user said they don't feel anything
Describe pls
i’m still a virgin☠️ but i’m pretty sure it feels good as long as the girl is turned on, sorry if this didn’t help
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  • #10
i’m still a virgin☠️ but i’m pretty sure it feels good as long as the girl is turned on, sorry if this didn’t help
Ok good to know
And let's say you see a guy you like in public do you look at him a loot or smile at him how do you act.? users call it ioi
Ok good to know
And let's say you see a guy you like in public do you look at him a loot or smile at him how do you act.? users call it ioi
personally if i like a person in public i try to distance myself and not look too much as to not make it obvious, i act pretty casual and im sure there are girls like me that act the same. i’m sure there are also girls that do the opposite and smile and look over a lot. it really just depends on the girl. :)
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  • #12
personally if i like a person in public i try to distance myself and not look too much as to not make it obvious, i act pretty casual and im sure there are girls like me that act the same. i’m sure there are also girls that do the opposite and smile and look over a lot. it really just depends on the girl. :)
What's your age
Rarely to hear a girl is virgin
i am 18, i plan to either wait for someone special (preferably a virgin guy as well) or until i get married. as corny as it sounds, i believe that it’s a special thing that is meant to be between people who truly love one another. i know that not many people believe what i believe and that’s fine, everyone has their own preferences when it comes to intimate stuff. :)
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  • #14
i am 18, i plan to either wait for someone special (preferably a virgin guy as well) or until i get married. as corny as it sounds, i believe that it’s a special thing that is meant to be between people who truly love one another. i know that not many people believe what i believe and that’s fine, everyone has their own preferences when it comes to intimate stuff. :)
Getting cherry popped might hurt at first

Ideal girl ngl
Many have over 10 Bodycount at your age
yeah kinda scared for that but it’s expected. i think there are other girls that think they same way i do and same with guys, too. there are definitely people who have lots of sex in both genders with no commitment behind it. it definitely takes time to find the ones that share your perspective, but they always exist so i’m hopeful. 😭
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  • #18
yeah kinda scared for that but it’s expected. i think there are other girls that think they same way i do and same with guys, too. there are definitely people who have lots of sex in both genders with no commitment behind it. it definitely takes time to find the ones that share your perspective, but they always exist so i’m hopeful. 😭
What's your type?
sure, i can try, i’m new to the looksmax site so ill do my best and be honest. :)

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