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How many posts would I have on .org?

In my first month on here, with about 40 active members per day on average, I had 4k posts in 27 days
the traffic on .org is way bigger than that so it would prob make it 10x easier to rot since a new thread is posted like every 3 or 4 minutes but at its highest prob a new thread every min
back when I used to rot a lot I avr 300 post a day
these days its prob 100 or even less on there
I reckon u can get to 4k post in like 1 month on there or even in less time than that
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the traffic on .org is way bigger than that so it would prob make it 10x easier to rot since a new thread is posted like every 3 or 4 minutes but at its highest prob a new thread every min
back when I used to rot a lot I avr 300 post a day
these days its prob 100 or even less on there
I reckon u can get to 4k post in like 1 month on there or even in less time than that
Maybe two days no diddy

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