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travis bicklepilled
Jun 23, 2024
rotters basement
shitpostin' forever
the demographic here are mostly on both but ofc there are users that are just here
personally I knew abt .org before .com

anyways idk if admin can pin this bc of it being abt a "competitor" site (not really a competitor site imo tbf) but it would be nice if this does get pinned
the demographic here are mostly on both but ofc there are users that are just here
personally I knew abt .org before .com

anyways idk if admin can pin this bc of it being abt a "competitor" site (not really a competitor site imo tbf) but it would be nice if this does get pinned
i stickied for you :3
Master is a jew
fuck that n****r, numbthepain and that f****t clavicular, n*****s banned me for something that was publically available, i even dm'ed him regarding the fact his name was visible in his yt video, and this was the cunts response:

fuck that n****r, numbthepain and that f****t clavicular, n*****s banned me for something that was publically available, i even dm'ed him regarding the fact his name was visible in his yt video, and this was the cunts response:

View attachment 43454
Master unbanned me whilst Clav got demoted for the cherry on top

I live rent free in Clavs head now

Also based discord pfp
Master unbanned me whilst Clav got demoted for the cherry on top

I live rent free in Clavs head now

Also based discord pfp
How did you get into contact with Master, I may as well try and talk to him to see if he will unban me, cuz it's such fucking bullshit bro.
the demographic here are mostly on both but ofc there are users that are just here
personally I knew abt .org before .com

anyways idk if admin can pin this bc of it being abt a "competitor" site (not really a competitor site imo tbf) but it would be nice if this does get pinned
You don t know me son
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