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How much can hair halo ascend someone?

Depends on your facial failos and face obviously. It’s not gonna ascend a dude with a long midface or chopped philtrum/nose, but in some cases it helps a lot
Having that fuckboy kind of old money haircut with an undercut base is the best (example : like astrosky pfp). It's prettyboy maxxing. Buzzcut isn't the solution unless you're not balding and have strong masculine face features
hmm, only thing i can say as long, curly haired girl is that boys sometimes come to me and touch my hair, they like it and give me compliments ab it. depends on the person too, face shape, coloring and so on, its really individual
Quite a bit, but it's dependent.
in some cases it's night and day and if your really good looking it doesn't matter to an extent
Extremely hard no joke.

If you are good looking it will still help so much since it let's you show off your skull shape.

Pray how not alot of people talk about hair grooming these days. Easiest way to fraud for SFS and peanut skull users.

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