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Discussion how much would you pay to know what you’re like in someone else’s perspective?

I wouldn’t want to know

Ignorance is bliss
I mean just take shrooms. One way ticket to depersonalization and you get to see your looks as it is rather than any bias. It's pretty remarkable self esteem boost if your body dismorphic and are told you look good but don't believe it. It sorta helped me be certain I was not secretly ugly and I was lying to myself.
I mean just take shrooms. One way ticket to depersonalization and you get to see your looks as it is rather than any bias. It's pretty remarkable self esteem boost if your body dismorphic and are told you look good but don't believe it. It sorta helped me be certain I was not secretly ugly and I was lying to myself.
Bro I’ve been taking shrooms these past couple months and they have changed my outlook on things so much. I always Look in the mirror a ton because I feel like I look cooler on shrooms. But it is also messing with your brain so be careful if you do take them. My 15g trip was terrible 😂
Bro I’ve been taking shrooms these past couple months and they have changed my outlook on things so much. I always Look in the mirror a ton because I feel like I look cooler on shrooms. But it is also messing with your brain so be careful if you do take them. My 15g trip was terrible 😂
Iv been there and done that. Max I did was 15 grams but i lemon tech it which means it hits almost 2 times harder than dry weight. I saw the most insane shit and also saw machine elves and saw patterns just showing on my room like ancient Egyptian glyphs and weird shit ....I'm telling you it was like dmt stuff
not much probably

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how to just not care?
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I mean just take shrooms. One way ticket to depersonalization and you get to see your looks as it is rather than any bias. It's pretty remarkable self esteem boost if your body dismorphic and are told you look good but don't believe it. It sorta helped me be certain I was not secretly ugly and I was lying to myself.
Where do you get them?
I already know how people feel about me through thier behaviour and treatment towards me
Iv been there and done that. Max I did was 15 grams but i lemon tech it which means it hits almost 2 times harder than dry weight. I saw the most insane shit and also saw machine elves and saw patterns just showing on my room like ancient Egyptian glyphs and weird shit ....I'm telling you it was like dmt stuff
I really wanna do this shit but I have no idea where to get them in Ireland
Iv been there and done that. Max I did was 15 grams but i lemon tech it which means it hits almost 2 times harder than dry weight. I saw the most insane shit and also saw machine elves and saw patterns just showing on my room like ancient Egyptian glyphs and weird shit ....I'm telling you it was like dmt stuff
It’s wild that your max is mine too 😂 a couple weeks ago maybe a month I took 15 gs and lemon teched it. It felt like I died 10 times and At one point in the trip I thought I was god shi was too much for me to handle 😂
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  • #20
I really wanna do this shit but I have no idea where to get them in Ireland
i’ve seen some people say you can find dealers on telegram, reddit and facebook groups
i wouldnt pay

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