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Guide How to ace school (middle-school through highschool)


Professional Thugmaxxer
Sep 12, 2024
the penitentiary
Can't guarantee straight A's but I can guarantee improvement.

Table of contents (most important parts):
1. Test/quiz studying
1. Speed studying
2. Homework
3. Projects
1. Group projects
4. Mentality and attitude
5. Student and teacher relationships
6. Publicity
7. Care about your work
8. Practice while it's early
9. Don't take the easy road
10. Get in rest
11. Tutoring
12. Monitor your nightly activities
13. Class taking

Test/Quiz studying

One thing that I've always seen in my life is panic coming from other people about how they didn't study for tests or they had no idea that a test was even coming. Of course the idea of forgetfulness can just be the result pure ignorance of the matter or just being a mental r****d but either way there is a way to fix this issue.

Note card taking:

One thing I've always done is keep a note card on my binder and you should use this on whatever you carry with you most. I took notes on the assignments or upcoming tests for the day, and then make sure that you keep that card in a secure place. In this way, you are able to remember what you were supposed to day for the day(s) and are able to be prepared. Make sure to add any sub notes from any bum teachers who add stupid parts to tests on the day of the test (has happened to me).

Study guides:

I know that some teachers may already provide study guides for tests or projects at school, but if they do not provide a digital guide or somethin there is an option to create your own by using whatever useless textbook or e-book you were supposed to use. Now of course I didn't create one every time but only when the test was hella important, such an exam or somethin.

Set goals... or punishments:

Now of course I know some of you guys in fact probably most of you are procrastinators so one thing I use to do is ask my parents to give me a punishment if I was too lazy to study for the test/quiz or if your mature you could give one to your self.

Don't skip extra credit:

I know that in some cases extra credit is just a stroke of luck but if extra credit studying is available to you then there is no doubt you should study it.

Speed studying:

Some of you crazies just never study no matter what happens to you because your lazy and decide to study at the last minute and remember 3 quarters of what was on the test at best. However, even though it is still not as efficient as just studying long-term, you can set out a specific time of the day of the test to study for like 20-30 minutes (completely depends on test size) in the morning, the night before, lunch, or all three. In this way you will be more prepared than you would have originally.


homework, homework, homework. The thing that you will unfortunately be able to find the most of during your life in school.
To keep this part quick and short. It is basically the same as tests. Take notes in class.

Do not waste in class time!:

Sure it can be fun to converse with your friends instead of doing work in class or whatever wild things are done these days but if you want to have more free time and less homework enslavement time then it is important to spend as much time as possible trying to finish which leads me to the next part.

Don't rush:

I can already tell you that rushing homework is basically ropemaxxing. Rushing is a good recipe to increase the chances of you making an error that would have otherwise not have been made if you were to pay attention and go slow.

Pay attention in class:

Sometimes teachers are upright mean and assign you homework in class and you may not notice until the next day and realize that you are cooked and it's time to rope. Pay attention and you'll be fine... maybe...

Take breaks:

If there is something that I've learned back in school it is that it is a horrible to keep working for long period of time without stopping. In some cases, it can cause anger or also decrease the efficiency of your work. This is especially important for late night work. Unless you have absolutely no choice and a teacher will mark it as a zero or something than take a break and sleep. You could go to bed early and wake up in the morning early to continue to work on the assignment. It is much better than going to bed late and waking up late (Cause in school you must wake up at a certain time).


Procrastination on homework can lead to a build up on assignments and angry teachers if your assignment is late. In many cases for me during my time in ms, procrastination resulted in the drop of many grades. By the end of the year, I had kept tabs on the assignments I procrastinated on and the ones I didn't, the ratio between them grade-wise was around an 8-15% difference (non-procrastination being higher), so to achieve top grades, this is not an option.

No doubt that projects can sometimes be the most over-whelming parts of school and you need to do them to keep your grade high. Sometimes these projects must be presented and I know most people would rather not be looking retarded in public.

Split project work-time evenly:

Don't spend too much of one day on the project as that can lead to low idea levels and high fatigue. But don't spread out too much.


Unless your favorite thing to do is look like an idiot in front of all your peers and teachers, listen to this part carefully. Doing this criminal thing can lead to a singular night of you just working on the same thing on and on which will also lead to increased fatigue and a large spot for mistakes (plus you'll look like a zombie in your presentation if it's the day before).


Of course when it comes to group projects you always want to do it with all the homies in the class as possible which in some cases can happen but a lot of the time, the teacher ends up randomly selecting people to be on the same team. When it comes to these situations, I find that is always best to get to know your teammates better and find out their strengths and weaknesses. If any of them have 0 strengths then it my time to get rid of that person. Don't have any fear to get rid of them.

Friend group (group projects):

Choosing your friends to be on your team can still end up being a mistake as having friends on a team can lead to an unfortunate case of goofing off and not getting any work done. Trust me, my middle school days have been ruined by these moments (not like it matters in middle school tho).

Mentality and Attitude

Mentality and attitude are two important things when it comes to beginning to work at school. Keeping a motivated and strong mentality will result in higher confidence and will MOST LIKELY end up improving your performance in school. Keeping a bad attitude and a bad mentality will result in a worse performance and it will keep people away from you. Now of course some people like it that way but if you're not weird, don't go down such a path.

Student and Teacher relationships

Keeping good relationships with teachers can lead to them giving a nice bias towards and even sometimes tilting the way they grade you to a lower part on the stickler scale. Of course you would not want the opposite of a good relationship with the teacher, as it will lead to the opposite of what you want on the stickler scale.

Turn in your work on time:

One thing I observed during my days in school is that teachers tend to be more harsh to kids who turn in assignments late. Of course the teachers claim that it is because they want the student's grade to be better, but in reality, they just want all the work done at once instead of late work coming in after the job should be done, making them angry. If your class is filled with people who turn in the assignments late, then if you turn your's in on time, they'll like you even more.

Keeping friends in any grade is a great way to keep yourself socially connected and active. Plus you always have someone to look to if you don't know about certain things yourself.

Care about your work

Not caring about your work is actually the thing I see most common when it comes to grades in school. Some kids could have good grades, but they don't try and choose to get bad grades. However, even though it may seem more fun to have fun in school instead of work, not focusing on work will gravely affect your chances in what career path you're planning on taking. This is especially more important in high school. Imagine you're trying to get into a certain college and then you find out that your grades were too bad and they didn't let you enter. I don't think anyone wants to go to a low-tier college.

Practice while it's early

I see a ton of people saying that crap doesn't matter in middle school/junior high, but the truth is that middle school is what is trying to build you so that you are ready to be in high school. The ones who work hard in middle school are usually the ones who do best in high school. Seen a few people who regret their decisions in middle school and wish they did something quicker instead of just chilling with the homies instead of chilling with the homework.

Don't take the easy road

Some kids always care about getting the homework done fast and sure they may put in low-effort answers and still get an A+ or something, and this goes for all school activities such as tests. But it's not worth the risk, you don't want to receive your work back and find out that your teacher was unhappy with your low effort answers (this has happened to me). If you give a high effort answer, you are most likely able to receive the A+ as your answer was mostly useful and well thought through, instead of short and sweet. THIS IS ESPECIALLY IMPORTANT FOR NOTET-AKING (if you teacher checks them fr).

Get in rest

I know I have mentioned this in this thread already but rest is one of the most important things when it comes to grades and everything really. It is what keeps are body healing, changing, and a ton of other factors to continue. If you have a tired brain, you are more likely to fail tests because your brain didn't have the ability to remember anything or it wouldn't allow you to focus in class which could lead to unwanted answers that were wrong and you didn't even know you wrote them.


A lot of people may be embarrassed that they take tutors during there school days because they need extra help. Some people claim that tutors are used for those who need help with academics but in reality, tutoring is a top notch way to increase learning and skills. Even if you may not need the help or the information, it always has the ability to help you improve if you ain't good enough at the subject.

Monitor your nightly activity

You don't want to be that guy who didn't get something done because he wasn't doing what he was supposed to do at night. This section right here go's for all gamer's. You can't stay up playing video games or watching tv all night. It just doesn't work that way. If you want to keep yourself pn point with homework and school schedule, you got to know how to monitor your time and even cut the time out completely if you know whats good for you.

Class taking
When you start to take classes, and this is most important in high school, make sure to challenge yourself with something that is not too hard but not too easy at the same time. Try to skip grades of subjects or the entirety of a grade. Skipping grades is easier to do and more helpful in life if you do it in middle school. Make sure you take AP classes as they will give you some points on your applications.

Enroll yourself in extracurricular activities:

These will also give you some points on your college applications in high school.


What are your opinions on how to be successful in school?

What have you experienced?
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  • #4
Can't guarantee straight A's but I can guarantee improvement.

Table of contents (most important parts):
1. Test/quiz studying
1. Speed studying
2. Homework
3. Projects
1. Group projects
4. Mentality and attitude
5. Student and teacher relationships
6. Publicity
7. Care about your work
8. Practice while it's early
9. Don't take the easy road
10. Get in rest
11. Tutoring
12. Monitor your nightly activities
13. Class taking

Test/Quiz studying

One thing that I've always seen in my life is panic coming from other people about how they didn't study for tests or they had no idea that a test was even coming. Of course the idea of forgetfulness can just be the result pure ignorance of the matter or just being a mental r****d but either way there is a way to fix this issue.

Note card taking:

One thing I've always done is keep a note card on my binder and you should use this on whatever you carry with you most. I took notes on the assignments or upcoming tests for the day, and then make sure that you keep that card in a secure place. In this way, you are able to remember what you were supposed to day for the day(s) and are able to be prepared. Make sure to add any sub notes from any bum teachers who add stupid parts to tests on the day of the test (has happened to me).

Study guides:

I know that some teachers may already provide study guides for tests or projects at school, but if they do not provide a digital guide or somethin there is an option to create your own by using whatever useless textbook or e-book you were supposed to use. Now of course I didn't create one every time but only when the test was hella important, such an exam or somethin.

Set goals... or punishments:

Now of course I know some of you guys in fact probably most of you are procrastinators so one thing I use to do is ask my parents to give me a punishment if I was too lazy to study for the test/quiz or if your mature you could give one to your self.

Don't skip extra credit:

I know that in some cases extra credit is just a stroke of luck but if extra credit studying is available to you then there is no doubt you should study it.

Speed studying:

Some of you crazies just never study no matter what happens to you because your lazy and decide to study at the last minute and remember 3 quarters of what was on the test at best. However, even though it is still not as efficient as just studying long-term, you can set out a specific time of the day of the test to study for like 20-30 minutes (completely depends on test size) in the morning, the night before, lunch, or all three. In this way you will be more prepared than you would have originally.


homework, homework, homework. The thing that you will unfortunately be able to find the most of during your life in school.
To keep this part quick and short. It is basically the same as tests. Take notes in class.

Do not waste in class time!:

Sure it can be fun to converse with your friends instead of doing work in class or whatever wild things are done these days but if you want to have more free time and less homework enslavement time then it is important to spend as much time as possible trying to finish which leads me to the next part.

Don't rush:

I can already tell you that rushing homework is basically ropemaxxing. Rushing is a good recipe to increase the chances of you making an error that would have otherwise not have been made if you were to pay attention and go slow.

Pay attention in class:

Sometimes teachers are upright mean and assign you homework in class and you may not notice until the next day and realize that you are cooked and it's time to rope. Pay attention and you'll be fine... maybe...

Take breaks:

If there is something that I've learned back in school it is that it is a horrible to keep working for long period of time without stopping. In some cases, it can cause anger or also decrease the efficiency of your work. This is especially important for late night work. Unless you have absolutely no choice and a teacher will mark it as a zero or something than take a break and sleep. You could go to bed early and wake up in the morning early to continue to work on the assignment. It is much better than going to bed late and waking up late (Cause in school you must wake up at a certain time).


Procrastination on homework can lead to a build up on assignments and angry teachers if your assignment is late. In many cases for me during my time in ms, procrastination resulted in the drop of many grades. By the end of the year, I had kept tabs on the assignments I procrastinated on and the ones I didn't, the ratio between them grade-wise was around an 8-15% difference (non-procrastination being higher), so to achieve top grades, this is not an option.

No doubt that projects can sometimes be the most over-whelming parts of school and you need to do them to keep your grade high. Sometimes these projects must be presented and I know most people would rather not be looking retarded in public.

Split project work-time evenly:

Don't spend too much of one day on the project as that can lead to low idea levels and high fatigue. But don't spread out too much.


Unless your favorite thing to do is look like an idiot in front of all your peers and teachers, listen to this part carefully. Doing this criminal thing can lead to a singular night of you just working on the same thing on and on which will also lead to increased fatigue and a large spot for mistakes (plus you'll look like a zombie in your presentation if it's the day before).


Of course when it comes to group projects you always want to do it with all the homies in the class as possible which in some cases can happen but a lot of the time, the teacher ends up randomly selecting people to be on the same team. When it comes to these situations, I find that is always best to get to know your teammates better and find out their strengths and weaknesses. If any of them have 0 strengths then it my time to get rid of that person. Don't have any fear to get rid of them.

Friend group (group projects):

Choosing your friends to be on your team can still end up being a mistake as having friends on a team can lead to an unfortunate case of goofing off and not getting any work done. Trust me, my middle school days have been ruined by these moments (not like it matters in middle school tho).

Mentality and Attitude

Mentality and attitude are two important things when it comes to beginning to work at school. Keeping a motivated and strong mentality will result in higher confidence and will MOST LIKELY end up improving your performance in school. Keeping a bad attitude and a bad mentality will result in a worse performance and it will keep people away from you. Now of course some people like it that way but if you're not weird, don't go down such a path.

Student and Teacher relationships

Keeping good relationships with teachers can lead to them giving a nice bias towards and even sometimes tilting the way they grade you to a lower part on the stickler scale. Of course you would not want the opposite of a good relationship with the teacher, as it will lead to the opposite of what you want on the stickler scale.

Turn in your work on time:

One thing I observed during my days in school is that teachers tend to be more harsh to kids who turn in assignments late. Of course the teachers claim that it is because they want the student's grade to be better, but in reality, they just want all the work done at once instead of late work coming in after the job should be done, making them angry. If your class is filled with people who turn in the assignments late, then if you turn your's in on time, they'll like you even more.

Keeping friends in any grade is a great way to keep yourself socially connected and active. Plus you always have someone to look to if you don't know about certain things yourself.

Care about your work

Not caring about your work is actually the thing I see most common when it comes to grades in school. Some kids could have good grades, but they don't try and choose to get bad grades. However, even though it may seem more fun to have fun in school instead of work, not focusing on work will gravely affect your chances in what career path you're planning on taking. This is especially more important in high school. Imagine you're trying to get into a certain college and then you find out that your grades were too bad and they didn't let you enter. I don't think anyone wants to go to a low-tier college.

Practice while it's early

I see a ton of people saying that crap doesn't matter in middle school/junior high, but the truth is that middle school is what is trying to build you so that you are ready to be in high school. The ones who work hard in middle school are usually the ones who do best in high school. Seen a few people who regret their decisions in middle school and wish they did something quicker instead of just chilling with the homies instead of chilling with the homework.

Don't take the easy road

Some kids always care about getting the homework done fast and sure they may put in low-effort answers and still get an A+ or something, and this goes for all school activities such as tests. But it's not worth the risk, you don't want to receive your work back and find out that your teacher was unhappy with your low effort answers (this has happened to me). If you give a high effort answer, you are most likely able to receive the A+ as your answer was mostly useful and well thought through, instead of short and sweet. THIS IS ESPECIALLY IMPORTANT FOR NOTET-AKING (if you teacher checks them fr).

Get in rest

I know I have mentioned this in this thread already but rest is one of the most important things when it comes to grades and everything really. It is what keeps are body healing, changing, and a ton of other factors to continue. If you have a tired brain, you are more likely to fail tests because your brain didn't have the ability to remember anything or it wouldn't allow you to focus in class which could lead to unwanted answers that were wrong and you didn't even know you wrote them.


A lot of people may be embarrassed that they take tutors during there school days because they need extra help. Some people claim that tutors are used for those who need help with academics but in reality, tutoring is a top notch way to increase learning and skills. Even if you may not need the help or the information, it always has the ability to help you improve if you ain't good enough at the subject.

Monitor your nightly activity

You don't want to be that guy who didn't get something done because he wasn't doing what he was supposed to do at night. This section right here go's for all gamer's. You can't stay up playing video games or watching tv all night. It just doesn't work that way. If you want to keep yourself pn point with homework and school schedule, you got to know how to monitor your time and even cut the time out completely if you know whats good for you.

Class taking
When you start to take classes, and this is most important in high school, make sure to challenge yourself with something that is not too hard but not too easy at the same time. Try to skip grades of subjects or the entirety of a grade. Skipping grades is easier to do and more helpful in life if you do it in middle school. Make sure you take AP classes as they will give you some points on your applications.

Enroll yourself in extracurricular activities:

These will also give you some points on your college applications in high school.


What are your opinions on how to be successful in school?

What have you experienced?
Kinda based my speaking here off of @Neil Patrick Harris. Where has bro been :(
Can't guarantee straight A's but I can guarantee improvement.

Table of contents (most important parts):
1. Test/quiz studying
1. Speed studying
2. Homework
3. Projects
1. Group projects
4. Mentality and attitude
5. Student and teacher relationships
6. Publicity
7. Care about your work
8. Practice while it's early
9. Don't take the easy road
10. Get in rest
11. Tutoring
12. Monitor your nightly activities
13. Class taking

Test/Quiz studying

One thing that I've always seen in my life is panic coming from other people about how they didn't study for tests or they had no idea that a test was even coming. Of course the idea of forgetfulness can just be the result pure ignorance of the matter or just being a mental r****d but either way there is a way to fix this issue.

Note card taking:

One thing I've always done is keep a note card on my binder and you should use this on whatever you carry with you most. I took notes on the assignments or upcoming tests for the day, and then make sure that you keep that card in a secure place. In this way, you are able to remember what you were supposed to day for the day(s) and are able to be prepared. Make sure to add any sub notes from any bum teachers who add stupid parts to tests on the day of the test (has happened to me).

Study guides:

I know that some teachers may already provide study guides for tests or projects at school, but if they do not provide a digital guide or somethin there is an option to create your own by using whatever useless textbook or e-book you were supposed to use. Now of course I didn't create one every time but only when the test was hella important, such an exam or somethin.

Set goals... or punishments:

Now of course I know some of you guys in fact probably most of you are procrastinators so one thing I use to do is ask my parents to give me a punishment if I was too lazy to study for the test/quiz or if your mature you could give one to your self.

Don't skip extra credit:

I know that in some cases extra credit is just a stroke of luck but if extra credit studying is available to you then there is no doubt you should study it.

Speed studying:

Some of you crazies just never study no matter what happens to you because your lazy and decide to study at the last minute and remember 3 quarters of what was on the test at best. However, even though it is still not as efficient as just studying long-term, you can set out a specific time of the day of the test to study for like 20-30 minutes (completely depends on test size) in the morning, the night before, lunch, or all three. In this way you will be more prepared than you would have originally.


homework, homework, homework. The thing that you will unfortunately be able to find the most of during your life in school.
To keep this part quick and short. It is basically the same as tests. Take notes in class.

Do not waste in class time!:

Sure it can be fun to converse with your friends instead of doing work in class or whatever wild things are done these days but if you want to have more free time and less homework enslavement time then it is important to spend as much time as possible trying to finish which leads me to the next part.

Don't rush:

I can already tell you that rushing homework is basically ropemaxxing. Rushing is a good recipe to increase the chances of you making an error that would have otherwise not have been made if you were to pay attention and go slow.

Pay attention in class:

Sometimes teachers are upright mean and assign you homework in class and you may not notice until the next day and realize that you are cooked and it's time to rope. Pay attention and you'll be fine... maybe...

Take breaks:

If there is something that I've learned back in school it is that it is a horrible to keep working for long period of time without stopping. In some cases, it can cause anger or also decrease the efficiency of your work. This is especially important for late night work. Unless you have absolutely no choice and a teacher will mark it as a zero or something than take a break and sleep. You could go to bed early and wake up in the morning early to continue to work on the assignment. It is much better than going to bed late and waking up late (Cause in school you must wake up at a certain time).


Procrastination on homework can lead to a build up on assignments and angry teachers if your assignment is late. In many cases for me during my time in ms, procrastination resulted in the drop of many grades. By the end of the year, I had kept tabs on the assignments I procrastinated on and the ones I didn't, the ratio between them grade-wise was around an 8-15% difference (non-procrastination being higher), so to achieve top grades, this is not an option.

No doubt that projects can sometimes be the most over-whelming parts of school and you need to do them to keep your grade high. Sometimes these projects must be presented and I know most people would rather not be looking retarded in public.

Split project work-time evenly:

Don't spend too much of one day on the project as that can lead to low idea levels and high fatigue. But don't spread out too much.


Unless your favorite thing to do is look like an idiot in front of all your peers and teachers, listen to this part carefully. Doing this criminal thing can lead to a singular night of you just working on the same thing on and on which will also lead to increased fatigue and a large spot for mistakes (plus you'll look like a zombie in your presentation if it's the day before).


Of course when it comes to group projects you always want to do it with all the homies in the class as possible which in some cases can happen but a lot of the time, the teacher ends up randomly selecting people to be on the same team. When it comes to these situations, I find that is always best to get to know your teammates better and find out their strengths and weaknesses. If any of them have 0 strengths then it my time to get rid of that person. Don't have any fear to get rid of them.

Friend group (group projects):

Choosing your friends to be on your team can still end up being a mistake as having friends on a team can lead to an unfortunate case of goofing off and not getting any work done. Trust me, my middle school days have been ruined by these moments (not like it matters in middle school tho).

Mentality and Attitude

Mentality and attitude are two important things when it comes to beginning to work at school. Keeping a motivated and strong mentality will result in higher confidence and will MOST LIKELY end up improving your performance in school. Keeping a bad attitude and a bad mentality will result in a worse performance and it will keep people away from you. Now of course some people like it that way but if you're not weird, don't go down such a path.

Student and Teacher relationships

Keeping good relationships with teachers can lead to them giving a nice bias towards and even sometimes tilting the way they grade you to a lower part on the stickler scale. Of course you would not want the opposite of a good relationship with the teacher, as it will lead to the opposite of what you want on the stickler scale.

Turn in your work on time:

One thing I observed during my days in school is that teachers tend to be more harsh to kids who turn in assignments late. Of course the teachers claim that it is because they want the student's grade to be better, but in reality, they just want all the work done at once instead of late work coming in after the job should be done, making them angry. If your class is filled with people who turn in the assignments late, then if you turn your's in on time, they'll like you even more.

Keeping friends in any grade is a great way to keep yourself socially connected and active. Plus you always have someone to look to if you don't know about certain things yourself.

Care about your work

Not caring about your work is actually the thing I see most common when it comes to grades in school. Some kids could have good grades, but they don't try and choose to get bad grades. However, even though it may seem more fun to have fun in school instead of work, not focusing on work will gravely affect your chances in what career path you're planning on taking. This is especially more important in high school. Imagine you're trying to get into a certain college and then you find out that your grades were too bad and they didn't let you enter. I don't think anyone wants to go to a low-tier college.

Practice while it's early

I see a ton of people saying that crap doesn't matter in middle school/junior high, but the truth is that middle school is what is trying to build you so that you are ready to be in high school. The ones who work hard in middle school are usually the ones who do best in high school. Seen a few people who regret their decisions in middle school and wish they did something quicker instead of just chilling with the homies instead of chilling with the homework.

Don't take the easy road

Some kids always care about getting the homework done fast and sure they may put in low-effort answers and still get an A+ or something, and this goes for all school activities such as tests. But it's not worth the risk, you don't want to receive your work back and find out that your teacher was unhappy with your low effort answers (this has happened to me). If you give a high effort answer, you are most likely able to receive the A+ as your answer was mostly useful and well thought through, instead of short and sweet. THIS IS ESPECIALLY IMPORTANT FOR NOTET-AKING (if you teacher checks them fr).

Get in rest

I know I have mentioned this in this thread already but rest is one of the most important things when it comes to grades and everything really. It is what keeps are body healing, changing, and a ton of other factors to continue. If you have a tired brain, you are more likely to fail tests because your brain didn't have the ability to remember anything or it wouldn't allow you to focus in class which could lead to unwanted answers that were wrong and you didn't even know you wrote them.


A lot of people may be embarrassed that they take tutors during there school days because they need extra help. Some people claim that tutors are used for those who need help with academics but in reality, tutoring is a top notch way to increase learning and skills. Even if you may not need the help or the information, it always has the ability to help you improve if you ain't good enough at the subject.

Monitor your nightly activity

You don't want to be that guy who didn't get something done because he wasn't doing what he was supposed to do at night. This section right here go's for all gamer's. You can't stay up playing video games or watching tv all night. It just doesn't work that way. If you want to keep yourself pn point with homework and school schedule, you got to know how to monitor your time and even cut the time out completely if you know whats good for you.

Class taking
When you start to take classes, and this is most important in high school, make sure to challenge yourself with something that is not too hard but not too easy at the same time. Try to skip grades of subjects or the entirety of a grade. Skipping grades is easier to do and more helpful in life if you do it in middle school. Make sure you take AP classes as they will give you some points on your applications.

Enroll yourself in extracurricular activities:

These will also give you some points on your college applications in high school.


What are your opinions on how to be successful in school?

What have you experienced?
tbh i dont think i will follow this but high effort thread
i will continue to procrastinate tbh,
people dont need motivation, they need discipline
sudden bursts of motivation in 4 am on sunday will not be helpful compared with discipline
meaningful and foyful life is more important then discipline. Promoting only discipline and hard work is something we do to slaves.
meaningful and foyful life is more important then discipline. Promoting only discipline and hard work is something we do to slaves.
people should do what they want, as long as it does not intrude on/harm other peoples lives
but what i mean is motivation is lacking

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