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Guide How to approach a girl you’re attracted to


Jul 7, 2024
starting the conversation

do not:
- make a comment on her body
- be vague about your intentions
- pressure her

- be direct
- be polite
- invite her to talk about herself (ask her about her clothes/hair, whatever she’s doing, etc)


do not:
- make a comment on her body
- say something sexual
- ‘you’re fine asf’ ‘you’re hot’

- compliment something she clearly puts effort into (style, makeup, intelligence)
- beautiful, gorgeous, pretty, cute

asking for her contact information

do not:
- ‘give me your ___’
- ‘what’s you ___’

- ‘could i get your ___’
- ‘can i ask for your ___’

extra: be confident and if you say you’re going to do something (ex: text her when you get home) do it!
starting the conversation

do not:
- make a comment on her body
- be vague about your intentions
- pressure her

- be direct
- be polite
- invite her to talk about herself (ask her about her clothes/hair, whatever she’s doing, etc)


do not:
- make a comment on her body
- say something sexual
- ‘you’re fine asf’ ‘you’re hot’

- compliment something she clearly puts effort into (style, makeup, intelligence)
- beautiful, gorgeous, pretty, cute

asking for her contact information

do not:
- ‘give me your ___’
- ‘what’s you ___’

- ‘could i get your ___’
- ‘can i ask for your ___’

extra: be confident and if you say you’re going to do something (ex: text her when you get home) do it!
"Hey girly bub. I really like them boobies ya got!"
nah im pretty sure women want to be slammed against a locker aggressively but not painfully by a 6'5 dark triad chad with a deep voice and low inhib
thats how it is in the female targeted fan service stuff right? ive seen some of those its not far off, especially with the love triangle thing where you have 2 chads chasing her
nah im pretty sure women want to be slammed against a locker aggressively but not painfully by a 6'5 dark triad chad with a deep voice and low inhib
thats how it is in the female targeted fan service stuff right? ive seen some of those its not far off, especially with the love triangle thing where you have 2 chads chasing her
Yeah, this is what every girl my age want but when they see it's not a chad, they'll start making fun of him.
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  • #14
nah im pretty sure women want to be slammed against a locker aggressively but not painfully by a 6'5 dark triad chad with a deep voice and low inhib
thats how it is in the female targeted fan service stuff right? ive seen some of those its not far off, especially with the love triangle thing where you have 2 chads chasing her
its called fiction for a reason thatd be scary 😭
starting the conversation

do not:
- make a comment on her body
- be vague about your intentions
- pressure her

- be direct
- be polite
- invite her to talk about herself (ask her about her clothes/hair, whatever she’s doing, etc)


do not:
- make a comment on her body
- say something sexual
- ‘you’re fine asf’ ‘you’re hot’

- compliment something she clearly puts effort into (style, makeup, intelligence)
- beautiful, gorgeous, pretty, cute

asking for her contact information

do not:
- ‘give me your ___’
- ‘what’s you ___’

- ‘could i get your ___’
- ‘can i ask for your ___’

extra: be confident and if you say you’re going to do something (ex: text her when you get home) do it!
Hey @girlfailure, I saw you browsing this forum and thought you looked really gorgeous with your cute smile. Could I PM you?

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