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Active member
Aug 9, 2024
Been in love with girl for more than a year now and I literally have thought about her at least every 5 mins of my life since 2023

You know you are an abused dog when you know the reason you love a mtb is because she’s the only girl who has ever given you attention - but you still fall in love with her jfl

We used to talk everyday as well for hours sometimes but stopped in the new school year because she was too overwhelmed with options from chads :( The rare times I meet up with her and her friends she’s always talking to them about a different fucking guy who mogs me to oblivion

Being close with her changed my whole view on life and I was so fucking happy just being in her presence, thinking about her or even talking about her. I’m not delusional enough to think I could ever get her but this infatuation is genuinely so pathetic and I need to get over it asap. I can literally feel it weighing on me and it affects my whole life

when I ascend in 2025 i’ll get over immediately and probably be shocked I was had unrequited love for mtb at best for years - but tips in the mean time?
Been in love with girl for more than a year now and I literally have thought about her at least every 5 mins of my life since 2023

You know you are an abused dog when you know the reason you love a mtb is because she’s the only girl who has ever given you attention - but you still fall in love with her jfl

We used to talk everyday as well for hours sometimes but stopped in the new school year because she was too overwhelmed with options from chads :( The rare times I meet up with her and her friends she’s always talking to them about a different fucking guy who mogs me to oblivion

Being close with her changed my whole view on life and I was so fucking happy just being in her presence, thinking about her or even talking about her. I’m not delusional enough to think I could ever get her but this infatuation is genuinely so pathetic and I need to get over it asap. I can literally feel it weighing on me and it affects my whole life

when I ascend in 2025 i’ll get over immediately and probably be shocked I was had unrequited love for mtb at best for years - but tips in the mean time?
Stay away if you can't handle being around her. Just like an addict in recovery avoids what he's trying to quit, do the same with everything that reminds you of her.
Been in love with girl for more than a year now and I literally have thought about her at least every 5 mins of my life since 2023

You know you are an abused dog when you know the reason you love a mtb is because she’s the only girl who has ever given you attention - but you still fall in love with her jfl

We used to talk everyday as well for hours sometimes but stopped in the new school year because she was too overwhelmed with options from chads :( The rare times I meet up with her and her friends she’s always talking to them about a different fucking guy who mogs me to oblivion

Being close with her changed my whole view on life and I was so fucking happy just being in her presence, thinking about her or even talking about her. I’m not delusional enough to think I could ever get her but this infatuation is genuinely so pathetic and I need to get over it asap. I can literally feel it weighing on me and it affects my whole life

when I ascend in 2025 i’ll get over immediately and probably be shocked I was had unrequited love for mtb at best for years - but tips in the mean time?
Having an oneitis is so cucked bruh.
1/ Don't talk to her, avoid her

2/ keep yourself occupied with hobbies & passion

3/ Focus on looksmaxx

4/ Talk to other girls, even the ugly ones
He needs to ask her out
A girl who talks about being plowed by Chad(s) right in front of you isn't interested at all. This is not even jealousy tactics or whatever. He will probably get her in 15 years once she got used by multiple guys, but i didn't recommend to accept this deal. if she don't want to be with you rn, she will not be with you later

@telepathy needs brand new pussy who wants him at 100%. Move buddy, asap.
