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How to deal with group disrespect?


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2024
So recently I’ve been disrespected by people in groups

Usually 3-5 people at once will disrespect me

In 6’1 and the Poole disrespecting me are 5’3 framcels but only because they are in a group.

One said “you make your (Tyrone) brother look bad, nobody takes you seriously” it pissed me off because he had an annoying voice, glasses, and a weak chin, and was a 5’3 framecel (think of Stevie from mid90s physique/white kid on the left)

I’m thinking about confronting him in the locker room by recording myself holding up a phone to his face and punching him once

This is how it’ll go “so what was all that, you were talking about how I’m a disgrace to my Tyrone brother and how no one takes me seriously so now I’m gone tell you why you should take me seriously” *holds my phone to his face, presses the record button, then punches him*


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So recently I’ve been disrespected by people in groups

Usually 3-5 people at once will disrespect me

In 6’1 and the Poole disrespecting me are 5’3 framcels but only because they are in a group.

One said “you make your (Tyrone) brother look bad, nobody takes you seriously” it pissed me off because he had an annoying voice, glasses, and a weak chin, and was a 5’3 framecel (think of Stevie from mid90s physique/white kid on the left)

I’m thinking about confronting him in the locker room by recording myself holding up a phone to his face and punching him once

This is how it’ll go “so what was all that, you were talking about how I’m a disgrace to my Tyrone brother and how no one takes me seriously so now I’m gone tell you why you should take me seriously” *holds my phone to his face, presses the record button, then punches him*
but the answer is serial killing
Shorter dudes can be aggressive sometimes because they know we mog them into oblivion. You always stop problems by a 1vs1 confrontation. Not violence but ask them what's the problem

When they're affraid they like to say "it's a joke" lmao
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