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Discussion How to stop being incel?

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  • #7
Ugly dude coping, you still love them, you just hate the fact that they reject you or don't find you attractive enough to open their legs.​
Holy shit dude, thanks for this brutal discovery "MR LOOKSMAXX DR".
how to ascend to chad status MR all knowing?
Wtf is blue pill
The mindset that looks don’t matter when it comes to the real world (dating, friendships, opportunities, etc). It also highlights the importance of having a good personality and being a nice person.

^ That is a bunch of bullshit and objectively false, which is why we hate bluepillers.
The mindset that looks don’t matter when it comes to the real world (dating, friendships, opportunities, etc). It also highlights the importance of having a good personality and being a nice person.

^ That is a bunch of bullshit and objectively false, which is why we hate bluepillers.
Yea until the man who blows my mind wins me over when sex isn’t fufilling
The mindset that looks don’t matter when it comes to the real world (dating, friendships, opportunities, etc). It also highlights the importance of having a good personality and being a nice person.

^ That is a bunch of bullshit and objectively false, which is why we hate bluepillers.
My perspective is that they matter but not giga much
just get looksmatch + be NT and extroverted
My perspective is that they matter but not giga much
just get looksmatch + be NT and extroverted
Not true you still need to be at least MTN with good height or HTN facially. I’m a pretty nice guy IRL and a bit nonchalant and it doesn’t do shit if I’m being honest all because i’m a LTN. You need to playfully tease and insult girls, that’s the type of guys they like. These guys are usually dickheads to subhumans like me which is why I despise them.

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