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How to take mewing progress photos

  • Thread starter Thread starter Neo
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@admin pls sticky
When mewing, people forget to record the legitimacy of their results by taking BAD PHOTOS. BAD BAD BAD PHOTOS. Perspective distortion, angles, lighting etc. can ruin your documentation of your journey.

The method:
  1. Create an area which you will routinely take your photos. I highly recommend somewhere that has lots of natural light and will make it easy to arrange your phone or camera in the same position every single time and has a decent amount of space away. Your phone will need to be one arm length away from your body. For me I would use my bedroom window and I would use my wardrobe to rest my phone stand on. The only problem is that i would need to these pics around the same time of day.
  2. Creating a phone stand. Your phone camera lens needs to be inline with your ear every time you take a photo. It's okay to use a camera stand if your using a high tech camera. But I assume the majority of people will be using their phones. If you are you can ask someone else to take the photo or put your phone in a mug and put a sock in the mug to support the mug, Your phone will need to be 90 degrees when taking photos, then put the cup phone on some books so it will be ear height. Use a timer to take the image when using this method.
  3. Aligning your body correctly. You need to stand up when you your pics.
    1. Align your head like this:
      Frontiers of Zoology: New Article On Neanderthal Noses
    2. And stand up straight:
      How to Improve Posture? Posture Exercises to Correct Bad ...
  4. Take new progress pic every month. You'll start seeing facial results after 2 years.
Use a tripod to adjust accordingly to your height also use a camera with good focal lens. If you use a shitty camera you’ll have lense distortion.
Use a tripod to adjust accordingly to your height also use a camera with good focal lens. If you use a shitty camera you’ll have lense distortion.
bro its perspective distortion, lens distortion doesn't exist
@admin pls sticky
When mewing, people forget to record the legitimacy of their results by taking BAD PHOTOS. BAD BAD BAD PHOTOS. Perspective distortion, angles, lighting etc. can ruin your documentation of your journey.

The method:
  1. Create an area which you will routinely take your photos. I highly recommend somewhere that has lots of natural light and will make it easy to arrange your phone or camera in the same position every single time and has a decent amount of space away. Your phone will need to be one arm length away from your body. For me I would use my bedroom window and I would use my wardrobe to rest my phone stand on. The only problem is that i would need to these pics around the same time of day.
  2. Creating a phone stand. Your phone camera lens needs to be inline with your ear every time you take a photo. It's okay to use a camera stand if your using a high tech camera. But I assume the majority of people will be using their phones. If you are you can ask someone else to take the photo or put your phone in a mug and put a sock in the mug to support the mug, Your phone will need to be 90 degrees when taking photos, then put the cup phone on some books so it will be ear height. Use a timer to take the image when using this method.
  3. Aligning your body correctly. You need to stand up when you your pics.
    1. Align your head like this:
      Frontiers of Zoology: New Article On Neanderthal Noses
    2. And stand up straight:
      How to Improve Posture? Posture Exercises to Correct Bad ...
  4. Take new progress pic every month. You'll start seeing facial results after 2 years.
I needed this 👆, thx you
@admin pls sticky
When mewing, people forget to record the legitimacy of their results by taking BAD PHOTOS. BAD BAD BAD PHOTOS. Perspective distortion, angles, lighting etc. can ruin your documentation of your journey.

The method:
  1. Create an area which you will routinely take your photos. I highly recommend somewhere that has lots of natural light and will make it easy to arrange your phone or camera in the same position every single time and has a decent amount of space away. Your phone will need to be one arm length away from your body. For me I would use my bedroom window and I would use my wardrobe to rest my phone stand on. The only problem is that i would need to these pics around the same time of day.
  2. Creating a phone stand. Your phone camera lens needs to be inline with your ear every time you take a photo. It's okay to use a camera stand if your using a high tech camera. But I assume the majority of people will be using their phones. If you are you can ask someone else to take the photo or put your phone in a mug and put a sock in the mug to support the mug, Your phone will need to be 90 degrees when taking photos, then put the cup phone on some books so it will be ear height. Use a timer to take the image when using this method.
  3. Aligning your body correctly. You need to stand up when you your pics.
    1. Align your head like this:
      Frontiers of Zoology: New Article On Neanderthal Noses
    2. And stand up straight:
      How to Improve Posture? Posture Exercises to Correct Bad ...
  4. Take new progress pic every month. You'll start seeing facial results after 2 years.
good thread, dont kill yourself
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how to take mewing progress photos guide 2019 :
step 1 : don't because there's a 90% chance there's no progress at all
not really, you can get good posture and a bit better jawline
it is sad i didnt record my transformation