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Theory How you guys make me feel sometime

plz don't do roids
they're basically male hormones and very bad for female( u will become ftm tranny)
i would never dare take steroids, i like being a woman. when i go to the gym i chase a muscular but feminine physique, i don’t want to look like those competitors. (the competitors are cool tho, holy discipline)
i would never dare take steroids, i like being a woman. when i go to the gym i chase a muscular but feminine physique, i don’t want to look like those competitors. (the competitors are cool tho, holy discipline)
they're all taking roids
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But then you mess with your natural production of the hormone either way.
Sigh I'm just mega bio hacked pill. I'm doing estrogen cream for face. Trt. Peptides. I literally do not care for being natty. I crave the certainty of steel. ( science) natty is fine. I just rather not struggle to maintain my testosterone all the time. I got to 860ng/dl and maintaining that was a chore also if I ever got a lack of sleep. It would be perma dropped for the rest of the next day ( check up how important sleep is and even a few hours of missed sleep will cuck your test the next day)
Sigh I'm just mega bio hacked pill. I'm doing estrogen cream for face. Trt. Peptides. I literally do not care for being natty. I crave the certainty of steel. ( science) natty is fine. I just rather not struggle to maintain my testosterone all the time.
I see the appeal in trt, due to how the life us moder humans live makes it truly impossible to reach our full testosterone potential. But this still comes as a unnatural shock to the body, and therefore will have it's own problems if not vigilantly looked after.
I see the appeal in trt, due to how the life us moder humans live makes it truly impossible to reach our full testosterone potential. But this still comes as a unnatural shock to the body, and therefore will have it's own problems if not vigilantly looked after.
So you still have to worry about maintenance.
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  • #42
Fair enough. If you find that this works for you. I wouldn't personally do it unless necessary, I'm still young and want to maximize what I can naturally.
Yes don't while growing that much I'm certain of
Sigh I'm just mega bio hacked pill. I'm doing estrogen cream for face. Trt. Peptides. I literally do not care for being natty. I crave the certainty of steel. ( science) natty is fine. I just rather not struggle to maintain my testosterone all the time. I got to 860ng/dl and maintaining that was a chore also if I ever got a lack of sleep. It would be perma dropped for the rest of the next day ( check up how important sleep is and even a few hours of missed sleep will cuck your test the next day)
how much and for how long test for the facial changes?
