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I’m 1.88 meters tall, 20 years old, with a good physique and body statur


Kauan Guilherme
Oct 8, 2024
Tenho 1,88 metros de altura, 20 anos, bom porte físico e estatura corporal. Meu maior problema é que me visto mal.I’ve been working a lot on my appearance and physique. I went to a party yesterday and attracted several girls, but they weren’t the ones I wanted, and I didn’t succeed because I didn’t approach anyone. I felt really insecure, started drinking, and ended up alone by the end of the night. How can I change my mindset?"WIN_20241007_11_56_24_Pro.jpg
What looks level were the girls you were attracting
Tenho 1,88 metros de altura, 20 anos, bom porte físico e estatura corporal. Meu maior problema é que me visto mal.I’ve been working a lot on my appearance and physique. I went to a party yesterday and attracted several girls, but they weren’t the ones I wanted, and I didn’t succeed because I didn’t approach anyone. I felt really insecure, started drinking, and ended up alone by the end of the night. How can I change my mindset?"View attachment 45451
you got your validation by having girls be attracted, what more could you want? sometimes you just have to face it and go up to the girls u want bruh
Grow out your hair and larp heterchromia
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  • #13
você obteve sua validação por ter garotas atraídas, o que mais você poderia querer? às vezes você só tem que encarar e ir até as garotas que você quer, mano
"Estou inseguro e estou projetando isso."
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  • #14
Devo investir mais na academia e no meu estilo? O que você acha? Quero atrair e estar com garotas que sejam 8.0 e acima."
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