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I’m 12 and I beat my shit every day and and i wear glasses can I get some tips every time I walk past girls laugh at me

Have you tried getting contacts? Also what has helped me to stop beating is do 10 push-ups EVERYTIME u feel like beating. Also icing ur face every morning can help u get more of a define face.
so first thing I wanna say is your glasses do not look good on you but it is an easy fix all you have to do is try a different style of glasses, second off masturbating occurs much more when going through puberty and it's not that bad and does have benefits to it supposedly but the bad thing is watching porn, porn is the worst thing for you and you'd have to know that masturbating and watching porn is to different addictions so you'll have to quit one first off the stronger addiction is watching porn but you mix the feelings of doing both right so all you have to do to stop is to simply not jerk off to porn this doesn't mean don't masturbate at all but simply don't do it to porn so use your imagination then your urges settle down and you'll eventually not jerk off as much if your still consistently jerking off more then once a day after puberty you should try to reduce the amount you do it so only once a day if you were doing it more then once, once your down to once a day limit the time when your able to jerk off so for example once you jerk off you cant jerk off the next day then you'll slowly lose interest in it at all
I’m 16 had the same problem you did I started going to the gym and I got a good sense of style kinda in the skater realm of fashion so that’s my advice start lifting and get a good sense of fashion and confidence will come naturally
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so first thing I wanna say is your glasses do not look good on you but it is an easy fix all you have to do is try a different style of glasses, second off masturbating occurs much more when going through puberty and it's not that bad and does have benefits to it supposedly but the bad thing is watching porn, porn is the worst thing for you and you'd have to know that masturbating and watching porn is to different addictions so you'll have to quit one first off the stronger addiction is watching porn but you mix the feelings of doing both right so all you have to do to stop is to simply not jerk off to porn this doesn't mean don't masturbate at all but simply don't do it to porn so use your imagination then your urges settle down and you'll eventually not jerk off as much if your still consistently jerking off more then once a day after puberty you should try to reduce the amount you do it so only once a day if you were doing it more then once, once your down to once a day limit the time when your able to jerk off so for example once you jerk off you cant jerk off the next day then you'll slowly lose interest in it at all
What type of glasses do you recommend
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  • #8
How I’m gon lose the glasses I can’t see
Get contacts or get different frames. I know frames are expensive asf but those are your only two options really.

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