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I’m 14 new here and I just want your honest opinions I think I look horrible I do have a girlfriend but I also still feel ugly

Being at a low body fat % will ruin your growth, height or penile. Bulk up a bit, you can cut after 18
its ur nose its always the nose.
no u definitely dont look ugly good facial symmetry and jaw hairstyle also suits you

it just the nose
yup only the nose
puberty will make you look better
You look small in stature but that's because you are 14 years old, I find you attractive especially because you have Caucasian features. The way to improve is simply to try to grow optimally by being as healthy as possible. Eliminate junk food and consume more dairy and animal protein or at least that's what I would do if I were you.
Being at a low body fat % will ruin your growth, height or penile. Bulk up a bit, you can cut after 18
more like not eating enough, having a low body fat isnt always a negative especially in growth as metabolism may lower, but yeah bulking up is a need if you dont want to be so skinny.
