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I am going crazy with this black pill shit


Nov 8, 2023
I'm going insane right now. I feel like I can't even go outside for a walk if my hair looks bad or if I'm not happy with my appearance. There have been days when I didn't eat anything because I feared how people would judge me when went to the store. Once, I got so upset with my appearance that I tore down two of my t-shirts and broke my hair comb when I was getting ready to go to the gym. I fucking hate the way I look I hope that I can change something during the summer break. And I am sorry that I spotted posting new stuff or in general being online because I am not in the best mood for anything.

Wish all the best to yall
this is not good for your mental health try taking a break from the forum or take your mind off blackpill bs for a while, watch a show or something
I'm going insane right now. I feel like I can't even go outside for a walk if my hair looks bad or if I'm not happy with my appearance. There have been days when I didn't eat anything because I feared how people would judge me when went to the store. Once, I got so upset with my appearance that I tore down two of my t-shirts and broke my hair comb when I was getting ready to go to the gym. I f*****g hate the way I look I hope that I can change something during the summer break. And I am sorry that I spotted posting new stuff or in general being online because I am not in the best mood for anything.

Wish all the best to yall
This is why Blackpill kinda sucks

It forgets to mention that the truth is 99% of people will never look how they want or even be considered htns, yet those people lead happy and fulfilling lives regardless, appearance does matter, but not nearly as much as mindset

Take a break from all this stuff and forget about blackpill, it’s fine to still be trying to better yourself but try to live like a normal guy
Die already
Cmon bro

I like you and I know you have a super edgy way of communicating and sense of humour but this is obviously a super miserable guy and even if you’re joking you have no idea if he can tell that or not

It’s just not constructive bro
I'm going insane right now. I feel like I can't even go outside for a walk if my hair looks bad or if I'm not happy with my appearance. There have been days when I didn't eat anything because I feared how people would judge me when went to the store. Once, I got so upset with my appearance that I tore down two of my t-shirts and broke my hair comb when I was getting ready to go to the gym. I f*****g hate the way I look I hope that I can change something during the summer break. And I am sorry that I spotted posting new stuff or in general being online because I am not in the best mood for anything.

Wish all the best to yall
Sorry to hear that man

I agree with what the others have said

Meditate, journal, practice stoicism - your wasting your life waiting to look your best. Improve your appearance in ways that you can, but don't make it your sole focus in life or you're gonna waste the little time we have been given on this planet.
This is why Blackpill kinda sucks

It forgets to mention that the truth is 99% of people will never look how they want or even be considered htns, yet those people lead happy and fulfilling lives regardless, appearance does matter, but not nearly as much as mindset

Take a break from all this stuff and forget about blackpill, it’s fine to still be trying to better yourself but try to live like a normal guy
this 💯💯💯💯
Cmon bro

I like you and I know you have a super edgy way of communicating and sense of humour but this is obviously a super miserable guy and even if you’re joking you have no idea if he can tell that or not

It’s just not constructive bro
I am way more miserable
I'm going insane right now. I feel like I can't even go outside for a walk if my hair looks bad or if I'm not happy with my appearance. There have been days when I didn't eat anything because I feared how people would judge me when went to the store. Once, I got so upset with my appearance that I tore down two of my t-shirts and broke my hair comb when I was getting ready to go to the gym. I f*****g hate the way I look I hope that I can change something during the summer break. And I am sorry that I spotted posting new stuff or in general being online because I am not in the best mood for anything.

Wish all the best to yall
Stop caring and have fun ❤️ 😊
high inhibition mentalcel
Play vidya games
Go to TheRapist
got me down n the dumps n chit
I'm glad I just look at .org to laugh at fuckers
This is why Blackpill kinda sucks

It forgets to mention that the truth is 99% of people will never look how they want or even be considered htns, yet those people lead happy and fulfilling lives regardless, appearance does matter, but not nearly as much as mindset

Take a break from all this stuff and forget about blackpill, it’s fine to still be trying to better yourself but try to live like a normal guy
U don't wanna suffer in delusion

Only ugly unattractive women live good lives not men

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