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I am not white, who cares?


Cast thy dart knowing, Thunderer, at the dasyu
Aug 29, 2022
who cares.we meds both women and men have more delicate and pretty and exotic feats than nordcucks/whites,and have more attractive coloring compared to subhuman nord color.

I don't care about being white.Ya'll look boring and plain as fuck.I'm talking the gl ones.the non-gl ones look like trolls.

maluma or any med prettyboy mogs all white men.amerindian men from canada and usa also mog white men when they look good.Ya'll only mog dark blacks and east asians.

I certainly don't look like an arab(nothing wrong with that anyway,arab men have some of the best eyes and are leptomorphic unlike you albinoid alpinid and borreby c****s),maybe persian,brahmin(I've been likened to Krishna).I look like an old etruscan painting.very neolithic aryan mixed roman phenotype.I'm a extremely pretty man with big eyes,very long eyelashes,narrow nose,proportionate but longer face and pretty pouty lips.

oh and the 'superIOR ARYAN UBERMENSCH' that hitler the neanderthal idealized is literally a albinized MEDITERENEAN in anthropology.and very rare.look it up dumbasses,the nordid subtypes are albinized MEDS in coon's classification scheme.the rest of yall n*****s and c****s.
who cares.we meds both women and men have more delicate and pretty and exotic feats than nordcucks/whites,and have more attractive coloring compared to subhuman nord color.

I don't care about being white.Ya'll look boring and plain as f**k.I'm talking the gl ones.the non-gl ones look like trolls.

maluma or any med prettyboy mogs all white men.amerindian men from canada and usa also mog white men when they look good.Ya'll only mog dark blacks and east asians.

I certainly don't look like an arab(nothing wrong with that anyway,arab men have some of the best eyes and are leptomorphic unlike you albinoid alpinid and borreby c****s),maybe persian,brahmin(I've been likened to Krishna).I look like an old etruscan painting.very neolithic aryan mixed roman phenotype.I'm a extremely pretty man with big eyes,very long eyelashes,narrow nose,proportionate but longer face and pretty pouty lips.

oh and the 'superIOR ARYAN UBERMENSCH' that hitler the neanderthal idealized is literally a albinized MEDITERENEAN in anthropology.and very rare.look it up dumbasses,the nordid subtypes are albinized MEDS in coon's classification scheme.the rest of yall n*****s and c****s.

real though
whitemaxxing and white superiority is cope, you will find ogres and subhumans everywhere, but sometimes different concentrations
should have given more narrow jaw and no chin
Banned user btw

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