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Info I am proud of my heritage


I am too busy solving complex geometrical problems
Established ★
Oct 2, 2023
The Paragon
Title tbh

What about you guys? What ethnic group do you guys come from and can you name one thing you love about it?
Title tbh

What about you guys? What ethnic group do you guys come from and can you name one thing you love about it?
yea i’m originally afghan, specifically pashtun
there’s a lot to hate but at least we have some good food, fun weddings, nice dresses and jewelry and our history is also pretty cool (and sad at the same time)

i like our culture of hospitality.
i was in afghanistan visiting and i told a woman i like her earrings, and she immediately started taking them off to give to me ?? that would be the main one since you asked to name one thing i love

he crossed the alps , on fucking ELEPHANTS , cant be cooler than that
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he crossed the alps , on f*****g ELEPHANTS , cant be cooler than that
Elephants are cool animals. They were used as a form of transport in my country during the 1900's before our rapid development!
My heritage is interesting I guess but I’ve never looked into it
I am indian bihari my mom pheno is mountain indid and dad pheno is indo nordic

This is all i know
Elephants are cool animals. They were used as a form of transport in my country during the 1900's before our rapid development!
War machines too

And they were made to stomp on guilty people's head as punishment
Title tbh

What about you guys? What ethnic group do you guys come from and can you name one thing you love about it?
I'm Tanzanian and Nigerian, I don't really care about my Nigerian side but I love Tanzania and Tanzanians. Beautiful country and lovely people. Going back and meeting my family is always so amazingly surreal. Being there feels like being in a movie. It's a shame I lost the language but I'm very proud of my Tanzanian heritage

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I’m a (somewhat ashamed) member of the Aryan race, British/Scottish on my fathers side and I believe similar on my mums (I think the Mediterranean comes into the mix at some point on both sides)

Honestly from a historical standpoint I’m proud of my heritage, I’m super duper white however I believe far enough back leads to Macedonian, Persian, and Greek traces, visually most of that has been bred out from massive amounts of north-Atlantid genetics

My ancestors were conquerors and warriors, courageous and innovative and from that point I’m proud

However I do believe that men of my genetic background have committed acts that can only be described as completely hanus and immoral

So while I have mixed feelings about my ancestry I’m nevertheless kinda glad I’m able to share a possible lineage with some truly great civilisations and men (not so much some of the other fellows that I share ethnicities with)

I’m a (somewhat ashamed) member of the Aryan race, British/Scottish on my fathers side and I believe similar on my mums (I think the Mediterranean comes into the mix at some point on both sides)

Honestly from a historical standpoint I’m proud of my heritage, I’m super duper white however I believe far enough back leads to Macedonian, Persian, and Greek traces, visually most of that has been bred out from massive amounts of north-Atlantid genetics

My ancestors were conquerors and warriors, courageous and innovative and from that point I’m proud

However I do believe that men of my genetic background have committed acts that can only be described as completely hanus and immoral

So while I have mixed feelings about my ancestry I’m nevertheless kinda glad I’m able to share a possible lineage with some truly great civilisations and men (not so much some of the other fellows that I share ethnicities with)

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I’m a (somewhat ashamed) member of the Aryan race, British/Scottish on my fathers side and I believe similar on my mums (I think the Mediterranean comes into the mix at some point on both sides)

Honestly from a historical standpoint I’m proud of my heritage, I’m super duper white however I believe far enough back leads to Macedonian, Persian, and Greek traces, visually most of that has been bred out from massive amounts of north-Atlantid genetics

My ancestors were conquerors and warriors, courageous and innovative and from that point I’m proud

However I do believe that men of my genetic background have committed acts that can only be described as completely hanus and immoral

So while I have mixed feelings about my ancestry I’m nevertheless kinda glad I’m able to share a possible lineage with some truly great civilisations and men (not so much some of the other fellows that I share ethnicities with)

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all races have committed heinous acts, no need to be ashamed of something that was due to people from long ago that were in some race
all races have committed heinous acts, no need to be ashamed of something that was due to people from long ago that were in some race
i cant defend taliban tho thats rn 💀
not defend, just accept the fact that its part of your heritage and all humans are capable of comiting bad things regardless of race
agree i was just tryna make a joke
good mindset
all races have committed heinous acts, no need to be ashamed of something that was due to people from long ago that were in some race
Yeah def, and I’m not guilty or anything like all those whit women who try to be not racist as hard as they can and end up being super racist

A part of me is slightly ashamed simply because of the British part of my heritage, honestly embarrassing to just even be genetically associated
I’m a (somewhat ashamed) member of the Aryan race, British/Scottish on my fathers side and I believe similar on my mums (I think the Mediterranean comes into the mix at some point on both sides)

Honestly from a historical standpoint I’m proud of my heritage, I’m super duper white however I believe far enough back leads to Macedonian, Persian, and Greek traces, visually most of that has been bred out from massive amounts of north-Atlantid genetics

My ancestors were conquerors and warriors, courageous and innovative and from that point I’m proud

However I do believe that men of my genetic background have committed acts that can only be described as completely hanus and immoral

So while I have mixed feelings about my ancestry I’m nevertheless kinda glad I’m able to share a possible lineage with some truly great civilisations and men (not so much some of the other fellows that I share ethnicities with)

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Macedonian and greek is the same thing tbh
Hard to say for me. Only cool thing my grandma said is we are part royalty and had a coat of arms in the Shelton name in Europe. Something about archery and bodyguards and something something mistress for a royal blood. Shelton was like "hunter' last name then it got changed to Shelton when theh came over on the mayflower
I did some looking into it and there's apparently some drama for a prince having an affair with a Shelton on Wikipedia. I'm part French too. Blake Shelton is some famous dude who's related to me. Some ultra famous country singer ?

I'm just a mutt though cuz I'm mix of many backgrounds like most Americans.
I'm brazilian so i don't really know my heritage
I'm a mutt, i assume i'm 75% white and 25% something else
I don't know the 25% part, my grandpa was some very dark very tall dude with a caucasoid skull though. Could be either native american or curry, or black but i doubt, he didn't look very negroid. I need a DNA test to know for sure

Just an estimation, the rest of my white family could very well have some admixture and not be full white as this is brazil

I just know im related to the guy who colonized brazil lol
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