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i am quaking in my boots (yap sesh)


Jul 7, 2024
i was just crying (don’t ask) and then i remembered i have school in FIVE DAYS

i got a bunch of new clothes that are more flattering and ‘normal’ than my rock band tees from my dad that i usually wear, and i have a natural hair color now so hopefully i will at least not get harassed

i need to lock in i’ve BARELY done my summer work and if i keep with the motivation i’ve had this summer i’m failing all my classes and probably showing up to school looking like i’m homeless

anyway my goals for this school year:
- get good grades (pretty easy)
- don’t die (normal)
- have 1 friend in all of my classes (hard)
- get a boyfriend (LEGENDARY)
i was just crying (don’t ask) and then i remembered i have school in FIVE DAYS

i got a bunch of new clothes that are more flattering and ‘normal’ than my rock band tees from my dad that i usually wear, and i have a natural hair color now so hopefully i will at least not get harassed

i need to lock in i’ve BARELY done my summer work and if i keep with the motivation i’ve had this summer i’m failing all my classes and probably showing up to school looking like i’m homeless

anyway my goals for this school year:
- get good grades (pretty easy)
- don’t die (normal)
- have 1 friend in all of my classes (hard)
- get a boyfriend (LEGENDARY)
Don't worry, it's tough out here for us femcels. I think you shouldn't focus on getting a boyfriend, just focus more on getting higher grades and developing a disciplined mindset to get your work done before sitting down and doing something else. If you have the mindset that after completing your homework and studying, you can do whatever it is you prefer to be doing, you'll see an improvement in your schoolwork. This is how I got over my procrastination.

Also, you're really pretty. I'm sure a lot of girls at your school probably feel intimated by you so they avoid talking to you, in case you are some "mean" girl. I saw you saying that you have selective mustim, which I do as well, and it can always just help to get over it and talk to someone.

Really embarrassing, but I made friends with a girl in the bathroom after I literally stuttered 4 times and kept saying, "I like your thing," while pointing at her cardigan, because I forgot the word for it lol. And she gave me her phone number and kept smiling at me after.
i was just crying (don’t ask) and then i remembered i have school in FIVE DAYS

i got a bunch of new clothes that are more flattering and ‘normal’ than my rock band tees from my dad that i usually wear, and i have a natural hair color now so hopefully i will at least not get harassed

i need to lock in i’ve BARELY done my summer work and if i keep with the motivation i’ve had this summer i’m failing all my classes and probably showing up to school looking like i’m homeless

anyway my goals for this school year:
- get good grades (pretty easy)
- don’t die (normal)
- have 1 friend in all of my classes (hard)
- get a boyfriend (LEGENDARY)
My school already started over
Don't worry, it's tough out here for us femcels. I think you shouldn't focus on getting a boyfriend, just focus more on getting higher grades and developing a disciplined mindset to get your work done before sitting down and doing something else. If you have the mindset that after completing your homework and studying, you can do whatever it is you prefer to be doing, you'll see an improvement in your schoolwork. This is how I got over my procrastination.

Also, you're really pretty. I'm sure a lot of girls at your school probably feel intimated by you so they avoid talking to you, in case you are some "mean" girl. I saw you saying that you have selective mustim, which I do as well, and it can always just help to get over it and talk to someone.

Really embarrassing, but I made friends with a girl in the bathroom after I literally stuttered 4 times and kept saying, "I like your thing," while pointing at her cardigan, because I forgot the word for it lol. And she gave me her phone number and kept smiling at me after.
I don’t see anything wrong with focusing on that, it’s natural instinct
Don't worry, it's tough out here for us femcels. I think you shouldn't focus on getting a boyfriend, just focus more on getting higher grades and developing a disciplined mindset to get your work done before sitting down and doing something else. If you have the mindset that after completing your homework and studying, you can do whatever it is you prefer to be doing, you'll see an improvement in your schoolwork. This is how I got over my procrastination.

Also, you're really pretty. I'm sure a lot of girls at your school probably feel intimated by you so they avoid talking to you, in case you are some "mean" girl. I saw you saying that you have selective mustim, which I do as well, and it can always just help to get over it and talk to someone.

Really embarrassing, but I made friends with a girl in the bathroom after I literally stuttered 4 times and kept saying, "I like your thing," while pointing at her cardigan, because I forgot the word for it lol. And she gave me her phone number and kept smiling at me after.
99% of the females on this forum are not even femcels just giga autistic
getting a bf will be easier than good grades. just talk to guys and see them outside of school so they don't get bad advices or criticals from their jealous friends
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Don't worry, it's tough out here for us femcels. I think you shouldn't focus on getting a boyfriend, just focus more on getting higher grades and developing a disciplined mindset to get your work done before sitting down and doing something else. If you have the mindset that after completing your homework and studying, you can do whatever it is you prefer to be doing, you'll see an improvement in your schoolwork. This is how I got over my procrastination.

Also, you're really pretty. I'm sure a lot of girls at your school probably feel intimated by you so they avoid talking to you, in case you are some "mean" girl. I saw you saying that you have selective mustim, which I do as well, and it can always just help to get over it and talk to someone.

Really embarrassing, but I made friends with a girl in the bathroom after I literally stuttered 4 times and kept saying, "I like your thing," while pointing at her cardigan, because I forgot the word for it lol. And she gave me her phone number and kept smiling at me after.
wait thats so cute (the friend thing)

my friend group started because me and my best friend were forced to sit with this group of guys but they turned out to be really nice
Wait...let me fix that for you: giga ugly. But, I'm convinced I'm the only gremlin on this site lol. Main reason why no one will ever see my face.
Dont take this as an insult but more as in LifeFuel

Your prob just fat and got bad skin quality.

Never give up. Lean is law