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i cannot imagine how women who have been heavily sexually abused as little girls feel. i make this thread because my friend sister is a victim.


Well-known member
Sep 1, 2024
this is a thread copy pasted from org
she is a 23 year old and has heavy post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), borderline and self-harm (cutting, in some cases even burning herself)

she probably has intrusive memories, is easily triggered, my friend saw her many times being silent in horror, almost non-responsive

very complex trauma, she has to go very often to max. security mental hospital

anyone knows more about such "people" ?
I hate to be a doubting Montgomery Kirkfinkle the Third, but your friend might just be telling you a fib. I couldn't imagine having something like that happen to me and telling people I barely know about it.

Whatever the case, your friend isn't cutting herself because she was sexually abused. She's cutting herself because she's a r****d.
I have been sexually molested as a child by my now no longer step father. He was a pedophile and had child porn collection on his pc. He was the most evil person I ever experienced. You are not alone and if only the death penalty would be used on people like this. The next best thing is he's locked behind bars for the rest of his short miserable life.

It's the real definition of mental illness to desire what those type want.

This has to be a fucking joke.

she is a 23 year old and has heavy post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), borderline and self-harm (cutting, in some cases even burning herself)

she probably has intrusive memories, is easily triggered, my friend saw her many times being silent in horror, almost non-responsive

very complex trauma, she has to go very often to max. security mental hospital

anyone knows more about such "people" ?
i doubt the max security mental hospital even a normal one wont take u more than once a year
I hate to be a doubting Montgomery Kirkfinkle the Third, but your friend might just be telling you a fib. I couldn't imagine having something like that happen to me and telling people I barely know about it.

Whatever the case, your friend isn't cutting herself because she was sexually abused. She's cutting herself because she's a r****d.
dude ppl cut themselves from mental illness and truama its like the most common for cutters
dude ppl cut themselves from mental illness and truama its like the most common for cutters
No, they cut themselves because they grew up in Western countries where it garners validation and sympathy. I've spent a decade in the developing and 3rd world where people have dealt with REAL trauma and have never once seen a person with cuts on their arms or legs. It's Western retardation and conditioning. Plain and simple.

Lol, actually now that I think of it I did know one girl named Candy who had cuts on her arm. She did it during the four years she spent studying in the UK after one of her boyfriends broke up with her.
No, they cut themselves because they grew up in Western countries where it garners validation and sympathy. I've spent a decade in the developing and 3rd world where people have dealt with REAL trauma and have never once seen a person with cuts on their arms or legs. It's Western retardation and conditioning. Plain and simple.

Lol, actually now that I think of it I did know one girl named Candy who had cuts on her arm. She did it during the four years she spent studying in the UK after one of her boyfriends broke up with her.
thats a retarded reason aslo not everyone cuts their arms??? i used to cut my legs before i was on meds for my phsycosis
thats a retarded reason aslo not everyone cuts their arms??? i used to cut my legs before i was on meds for my phsycosis
It's mostly girls who cut themselves and, trust me, I've been in between enough girl's legs in the 3rd/developing world to know for sure that cutting themselves isn't a thing there. Girls who've got more than enough reasons to do it if it were a natural response to anguish and "trauma" and not mere conditioning.
No, they cut themselves because they grew up in Western countries where it garners validation and sympathy. I've spent a decade in the developing and 3rd world where people have dealt with REAL trauma and have never once seen a person with cuts on their arms or legs. It's Western retardation and conditioning. Plain and simple.

Lol, actually now that I think of it I did know one girl named Candy who had cuts on her arm. She did it during the four years she spent studying in the UK after one of her boyfriends broke up with her.
Self harm happens here too, its just less common
Self harm happens here too, its just less common
It's a nuance from the West that came from the explosion of social media. How do I know? Because I've been living on and off in Cambodia and Vietnam since 2013. Back then it didn't exist but last time I was there in 2018 I saw it popping up too. China though, where the internet is heavily censored and most Western garbage is banned (even Wikipedia), still hadn't gotten around to seeing that sort of crap last time I was there in 2021.

It's a nuance from the West that came from the explosion of social media. How do I know? Because I've been living on and off in Cambodia and Vietnam since 2013. Back then it didn't exist but last time I was there in 2018 I saw it popping up too. China though, where the internet is heavily censored and most Western garbage is banned (even Wikipedia), still hadn't gotten around to seeing that sort of crap last time I was there in 2021.
Nvm I misread I thought you just meant self harm in general
I hate to be a doubting Montgomery Kirkfinkle the Third, but your friend might just be telling you a fib. I couldn't imagine having something like that happen to me and telling people I barely know about it.

Whatever the case, your friend isn't cutting herself because she was sexually abused. She's cutting herself because she's a r****d.
It's mostly girls who cut themselves and, trust me, I've been in between enough girl's legs in the 3rd/developing world to know for sure that cutting themselves isn't a thing there. Girls who've got more than enough reasons to do it if it were a natural response to anguish and "trauma" and not mere conditioning.
omfggggggg shut tf u are so corny and annoying wtf are u even talking aboutttttt jfc

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