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I don’t know how this works can somebody help me I want to get a asymmetrical face my eyebrows are fucked and my eyes and jawline

for your eyebrows use rosemary oil to grow them out thicker and keep them healthy. Also trim your eyebrows with an eyebrow razor, keep up with the natural eyebrow shape.
For your jaw start mewing and chew on hard chewing gum
Concerning your eyes get into squintmaxxing.
for your eyebrows use rosemary oil to grow them out thicker and keep them healthy. Also trim your eyebrows with an eyebrow razor, keep up with the natural eyebrow shape.
For your jaw start mewing and chew on hard chewing gum
Concerning your eyes get into squintmaxxing.
Don't use razors unless you really need it imo, you'll be way better off with a tweezer. Might hurt a tad bit especially the hairs near the eyes, but the hairs will take longer to grow back and you are way less likely to mess up big time
My jawline is like too boxy and I want like a more defined jawline you know so how would I do that

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