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I feel like i am slowly poisoning my body


billions must mog
Sep 1, 2024
My whole life I’ve kind of just eaten whatever my mom made me or was was available. My mom is very overweight and her meals mirror that. I wanna start getting serious about my diet because i feel like im poisoning myself. I have terrible gut health, constantly exhausted and extreme bloat. I plan to get a job once i turn 18 next year ( my parents won’t let me have one now so i can focus on school) I would really appreciate if you guys gave me suggetions of starter foods i should buy to start revamping my body, and fixing my diet.🙏🙏
My whole life I’ve kind of just eaten whatever my mom made me or was was available. My mom is very overweight and her meals mirror that. I wanna start getting serious about my diet because i feel like im poisoning myself. I have terrible gut health, constantly exhausted and extreme bloat. I plan to get a job once i turn 18 next year ( my parents won’t let me have one now so i can focus on school) I would really appreciate if you guys gave me suggetions of starter foods i should buy to start revamping my body, and fixing my diet.🙏🙏
@Whitepill could def help you
It’s all about balance, variety, and not overdoing shit. Stick to whole foods like fruits, veggies, whole grains, lean proteins (chicken, fish, beans), and healthy fats (olive oil, nuts, avocados). Cut back on processed foods, sugar, and too much salt.

Make sure you’re getting enough fiber from fruits, veggies, and grains for good digestion. Drink plenty of water throughout the day and try to eat at regular times to keep your energy up.

Just aim for a balanced mix that fuels your body without going overboard.
My whole life I’ve kind of just eaten whatever my mom made me or was was available. My mom is very overweight and her meals mirror that. I wanna start getting serious about my diet because i feel like im poisoning myself. I have terrible gut health, constantly exhausted and extreme bloat. I plan to get a job once i turn 18 next year ( my parents won’t let me have one now so i can focus on school) I would really appreciate if you guys gave me suggetions of starter foods i should buy to start revamping my body, and fixing my diet.🙏🙏
My whole life I’ve kind of just eaten whatever my mom made me or was was available. My mom is very overweight and her meals mirror that. I wanna start getting serious about my diet because i feel like im poisoning myself. I have terrible gut health, constantly exhausted and extreme bloat. I plan to get a job once i turn 18 next year ( my parents won’t let me have one now so i can focus on school) I would really appreciate if you guys gave me suggetions of starter foods i should buy to start revamping my body, and fixing my diet.🙏🙏
Shit ton of oats and milk is my starter pack
1/ Eat & appreciate what's your momma is making, i've lost mine 2 months ago

2/ Use smaller plates & smaller portions

3/ Increase your cardio to burn the extra calories and stay healthy. And no your muscles won't melt and you won't lose fat, but you will maintain a healthy bodyweight. Cardio can just be 15k steps, walking

4/ Bad gut health and gut bloating is treated with pre/probiotics from milk kefir, sauerkraut, fibers, probiotics supplements and activated charcoal. Honorable mention to Iodine

5/ Change your breakfast by eating barley flakes and maté, if you eating outside of house, choose something with vegetables and fruits, lean meat and lean fish, and few nuts or, if you have cravings, eating natural pop-corn (so without any salt or sugar, add potassium chloride and herbs/spices instead).

6/ Avoid fast-food, drugs, tobacco, medications and alcohol who can wreck the already fragile women's metabolism

7/ Sleep soon enough and 8 hours, far away from computers & smartphones
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1/ Eat & appreciate what's your momma is making, i've lost mine 2 months ago

2/ Use smaller plates & smaller portions

3/ Increase your cardio to burn the extra calories and stay healthy. And no your muscles won't melt and you won't lose fat, but you will maintain a healthy bodyweight. Cardio can just be 15k steps, walking

4/ Bad gut health and gut bloating is treated with pre/probiotics from milk kefir, sauerkraut, fibers, probiotics supplements and activated charcoal. Honorable mention to Iodine

5/ Change your breakfast by eating barley flakes and maté, if you eating outside of house, choose something with vegetables and fruits, lean meat and lean fish, and few nuts or, if you have cravings, eating natural pop-corn (so without any salt or sugar, add potassium chloride and herbs/spices instead).

6/ Avoid fast-food, drugs, tobacco, medications and alcohol who can wreck the already fragile women's metabolism

7/ Sleep soon enough and 8 hours, far away from computers & smartphones
RIP to your mom
My whole life I’ve kind of just eaten whatever my mom made me or was was available. My mom is very overweight and her meals mirror that. I wanna start getting serious about my diet because i feel like im poisoning myself. I have terrible gut health, constantly exhausted and extreme bloat. I plan to get a job once i turn 18 next year ( my parents won’t let me have one now so i can focus on school) I would really appreciate if you guys gave me suggetions of starter foods i should buy to start revamping my body, and fixing my diet.🙏🙏
Ur 07 like me? Mirin
My whole life I’ve kind of just eaten whatever my mom made me or was was available. My mom is very overweight and her meals mirror that. I wanna start getting serious about my diet because i feel like im poisoning myself. I have terrible gut health, constantly exhausted and extreme bloat. I plan to get a job once i turn 18 next year ( my parents won’t let me have one now so i can focus on school) I would really appreciate if you guys gave me suggetions of starter foods i should buy to start revamping my body, and fixing my diet.🙏🙏
all i eat is steak, chicken breast, chobani greek yogurt, eggs
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1/ Eat & appreciate what's your momma is making, i've lost mine 2 months ago

2/ Use smaller plates & smaller portions

3/ Increase your cardio to burn the extra calories and stay healthy. And no your muscles won't melt and you won't lose fat, but you will maintain a healthy bodyweight. Cardio can just be 15k steps, walking

4/ Bad gut health and gut bloating is treated with pre/probiotics from milk kefir, sauerkraut, fibers, probiotics supplements and activated charcoal. Honorable mention to Iodine

5/ Change your breakfast by eating barley flakes and maté, if you eating outside of house, choose something with vegetables and fruits, lean meat and lean fish, and few nuts or, if you have cravings, eating natural pop-corn (so without any salt or sugar, add potassium chloride and herbs/spices instead).

6/ Avoid fast-food, drugs, tobacco, medications and alcohol who can wreck the already fragile women's metabolism

7/ Sleep soon enough and 8 hours, far away from computers & smartphones
thank you!! rip your mom🙏

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