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Discussion i fucked over 50 hookers

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  • #2
what i'm trying to say is, you should fuck hookers if you can't get sex for free. i ended up fucking with girls without payment after fucking hookers anyway, you get more confident with women after hookers. no sex is bad for mental health. i'd consider myself retired from slaying. my name is not richard btw.
what i'm trying to say is, you should fuck hookers if you can't get sex for free. i ended up fucking with girls without payment after fucking hookers anyway, you get more confident with women after hookers. no sex is bad for mental health. i'd consider myself retired from slaying. my name is not richard btw.
Thanks, Richard, for having the courage to admit you're a sex addict. Who's up to share their story next?
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  • #5
Literally not even something to flex bro. They only want you for the money
i'm aware, it's not a good thing. i'm not trying to flex. i only got to fuck women because they wanted my coke.
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  • #7
mirin' low inhibition and ability to concede

some men just need to call it quits and escortmaxx
you don't need to. you can go to a club and get drunk/get on coke with some whore, you'll get sex via that.
i mean, i am not entirely against this because some people are very incel and struggling
it can also help with confidence
but it is not the optimal route in sex, it is better to have a gf

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