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i have TMJ


Well-known member
Aug 8, 2020
I was diagnosed with tmj and my treatment will be with this plaque here, has anyone had tmj here? What can you tell me aWhatsApp Image 2020-09-25 at 20.02.59.jpegbout it?
I got tmj from facepulling a year ago. I still have it. Haven't been able to chew hard stuff. I thought this went away on its own but 1 year later it hasn't even improved. How do you get this kind of treatment?
I got tmj from facepulling a year ago. I still have it. Haven't been able to chew hard stuff. I thought this went away on its own but 1 year later it hasn't even improved. How do you get this kind of treatment?
on a orthodontist,my orthodontist told me that the duration of the treatment varies a lot, the estimated time is a maximum of 6 months, but I want it to last much less
Oof I've had it once but it went away pretty quickly. It was painful as fuck.
n***a punched me in the face
You know the saying: "Never relax around blacks".

Moral of the story: use a gun (don't actually lol)
Dear Intelligence authorities.
I don't not agree or condone any actions said on this forum unless they are directed to the self-improvement of an individual. This account and any IP addresses associated with portray a satirical persona with the intended purpose of entertainment of myself and other users on this forum and are not my authentic beliefs. I believe in police intervention, cooperating with authorities and abiding by the law.
I got tmj from facepulling a year ago. I still have it. Haven't been able to chew hard stuff. I thought this went away on its own but 1 year later it hasn't even improved. How do you get this kind of treatment?
That sucks
Dont trust PSL autists
I have that plaque too, but it's too keep my teeth in place since I've worn braces.
I was fighting this dude