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I havent eaten in nearly 3 days, i can do it

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  • #8
go 30 days for epic results😍
(don’t, please eat bhai)
im gonna keep going because
a) im scared to leave the room
b) im broke and refuse to eat anything but meat(my mom also wont pay for my food atm since she is mad at me)
c) i need to stop being a fat whore
im gonna try for a week
if i hit that ill do 10 days
im gonna keep going because
a) im scared to leave the room
b) im broke and refuse to eat anything but meat(my mom also wont pay for my food atm since she is mad at me)
c) i need to stop being a fat whore
im gonna try for a week
if i hit that ill do 10 days
i pray u eat soon… this ain’t smart
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  • #22
looking good bhai, if you hit the gym and put some more muscle mass on you’d look hella good.
gymcelling is retarded as fuck women dont care about tjat shit
im gonna starve myself until 10% bodyfat and hollow cheek ASCENSION
I will ascend beyond Homo-erectus
into homo-gestalt
i can change
Be careful of the metabolism bounce.
Also don't you have a job that you can be in your room all day the entire week? I truly don't understand how someone can be so neet
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #27
Be careful of the metabolism bounce.
Also don't you have a job that you can be in your room all day the entire week? I truly don't understand how someone can be so neet
I only work part time on weekends and i do online tutorimg during the week

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