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Serious I literally get recognized on Instagram for being a forum star

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I know, man. Just the sheer number of users, for example, on org asking for my Insta would rack up hundreds of followers. People really treat these forums like a temple, and we’re the priests.
"People really treat these forums like a temple, and we’re the priests."

Such a majestic statement
imagine someone irl recognizes u
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imagine someone irl recognizes u
My friends already know that I am a forum star , it doesn't seem to matter much irl . Looksmaxing isn't as dark and edgy anymore
I saw that in your comment section, that must have been a couple of months ago though
Closest I've been to that is when people on discord and .is ask me if I am "DalitBoss".
so popular so he gets girls now, get out of this forum lmao

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