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i need friends (female friends)


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2023
i need friends to talk to, i have two “best friends” but one don’t talk to me and the other one has internet brain rot and i hate it, i want to tell him my problems and he answers whit some shitty tiktok phrase or whatever, it’s just so insufferable, please, it’s summer and i’m at home all day, my main interests are homestuck, 2014-18 tumblr, makeup, im in fandoms, alt fashion (like harajuku and decora), please i feel so lonely
i need friends to talk to, i have two “best friends” but one don’t talk to me and the other one has internet brain rot and i hate it, i want to tell him my problems and he answers whit some shitty tiktok phrase or whatever, it’s just so insufferable, please, it’s summer and i’m at home all day, my main interests are homestuck, 2014-18 tumblr, makeup, im in fandoms, alt fashion (like harajuku and decora), please i feel so lonely
I get it but, out of all the apps and websites there are on a looksmaxxing forum? people on here are more brainrot than ur silly friend trust me girl. Maybe just go on events or festivals with ur friend and try to meet new people there
i need friends to talk to, i have two “best friends” but one don’t talk to me and the other one has internet brain rot and i hate it, i want to tell him my problems and he answers whit some shitty tiktok phrase or whatever, it’s just so insufferable, please, it’s summer and i’m at home all day, my main interests are homestuck, 2014-18 tumblr, makeup, im in fandoms, alt fashion (like harajuku and decora), please i feel so lonely
but we got similar interest lol if u want we can be mutuals on insta or smth and talk sometimes
i would prefer not, im kinda paranoid about apps like that
f**k you, this is a mostly male INCEL website and you post something so scarce and important for those such as friendship but deny that for them because it is only for females ? f**k you. thats like me going to the homeless asking who want a free house but them reveiling it is only for anyone else instead of them. f**k you
f**k you, this is a mostly male INCEL website and you post something so scarce and important for those such as friendship but deny that for them because it is only for females ? f**k you. thats like me going to the homeless asking who want a free house but them reveiling it is only for anyone else instead of them. f**k you
it’s not that deep :modcheck:
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  • #18
f**k you, this is a mostly male INCEL website and you post something so scarce and important for those such as friendship but deny that for them because it is only for females ? f**k you. thats like me going to the homeless asking who want a free house but them reveiling it is only for anyone else instead of them. f**k you
i did not denied anything? dandelions just gave an option, i guess sorry for wanting female friends i don’t have, plus why you’re so mad about it? it’s not that deep, plus i’ve been answering to anyone who has messaged me telling me “let’s be friends!!” (a guy and two? girls), it’s kind of dumb that you’re upset about this
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  • #21
I’m kidding lol i’ve never seen his face or anything. I’m not sure what you guys are even arguing over honestly.
i understood that he got mad because i said “i expected females to reply” and he’s like “YOURE BEING MEAN TO THE INCELS IN THIS FORUM BY JUST WANTING TO BEFRIEND FEMALES” im open to anyone who wants a friendship because i feel alone, but i want *female* friends because im a female and i want someone to talk about makeup, crushes, idk feminine stuff, i would talk to a guy about it but it wouldn’t be the same
i understood that he got mad because i said “i expected females to reply” and he’s like “YOURE BEING MEAN TO THE INCELS IN THIS FORUM BY JUST WANTING TO BEFRIEND FEMALES” im open to anyone who wants a friendship because i feel alone, but i want *female* friends because im a female and i want someone to talk about makeup, crushes, idk feminine stuff, i would talk to a guy about it but it wouldn’t be the same
No, I understand what you mean. At the end of the day it’s a blackpill looksmax incel forum, don’t take it too seriously. You’ll never see anyone on this forum in person, and most of us will be gone within 6 months. Is it worth it to lose your clarity over some silly post?
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  • #23
No, I understand what you mean. At the end of the day it’s a blackpill looksmax incel forum, don’t take it too seriously. You’ll never see anyone on this forum in person, and most of us will be gone within 6 months. Is it worth it to lose your clarity over some silly post?
exactly, dandelions based
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