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Discussion I need help


Bonesmashing Everyday Until I Get Lean
Jun 14, 2024
What are your thoughts on girls who repost edits of other guys on tiktok and talk about guys they find attractive while in a relationship? I’m not asking if its cucked because it obviously is, but does it always guarantee she’s a bitch and will start arguments for no reasons and stuff like that?
Had a girlfriend when I was in school and she kept talking about the ltn tyler the creator and how she found him hot and her fyp was full of tiktok eboys she broke up with me because I wouldn't listen to her talk about her internet crushes to me
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  • #6
Had a girlfriend when I was in school and she kept talking about the ltn tyler the creator and how she found him hot and her fyp was full of tiktok eboys she broke up with me because I wouldn't listen to her talk about her internet crushes to me
What other red flags did you see in her?
i dont have any experience with this
but 👎 red flag
and also repost is crazy, i rarely repost videos when i used tiktok. thats just rubbing it in friend's faces and you. ok some people will have celeb crushes, i know people who are in good relationships and have celeb crushes but they dont rub it in other people and their partner's face.
talk about guys they find attractive while in a relationship
thats a no, youre being cucked

it could also be she wants you to be jealous and desperate to further lock in the relationship, and possibly be provoked and argue. maybe she wants you to give 100% to the relationship to seal the deal because she is indicating she is losing interest

either way, NO. she's not worth it
i dont have any experience with this
but 👎 red flag
and also repost is crazy, i rarely repost videos when i used tiktok. thats just rubbing it in friend's faces and you. ok some people will have celeb crushes, i know people who are in good relationships and have celeb crushes but they dont rub it in other people and their partner's face.

thats a no, youre being cucked

it could also be she wants you to be jealous and desperate to further lock in the relationship, and possibly be provoked and argue. maybe she wants you to give 100% to the relationship to seal the deal because she is indicating she is losing interest

either way, NO. she's not worth it
Couldn't have been said better
she just dating without u any reason and out of boredom
she don't even like u
she wouldn't care if u died
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  • #12
she just dating without u any reason and out of boredom
she don't even like u
she wouldn't care if u died
i dont have any experience with this
but 👎 red flag
and also repost is crazy, i rarely repost videos when i used tiktok. thats just rubbing it in friend's faces and you. ok some people will have celeb crushes, i know people who are in good relationships and have celeb crushes but they dont rub it in other people and their partner's face.

thats a no, youre being cucked

it could also be she wants you to be jealous and desperate to further lock in the relationship, and possibly be provoked and argue. maybe she wants you to give 100% to the relationship to seal the deal because she is indicating she is losing interest

either way, NO. she's not worth it
Ok let me ask some more hypotheticals.

Posts instagram stories of her in bikinis on the beach and stuff. Red Flag, Green Flag, or neither?

Wears revealing clothing like crazy short crop tops and reveals cleaveage and stuff. Red Flag, Green Flag, or neither?

Has a high follower to following ratio on instagram, like 600 followers with 30 following. Green Flag, Red Flag, or neither?
Ok let me ask some more hypotheticals.

Posts instagram stories of her in bikinis on the beach and stuff. Red Flag, Green Flag, or neither?

Wears revealing clothing like crazy short crop tops and reveals cleaveage and stuff. Red Flag, Green Flag, or neither?

Has a high follower to following ratio on instagram, like 600 followers with 30 following. Green Flag, Red Flag, or neither?
What are your thoughts on girls who repost edits of other guys on tiktok and talk about guys they find attractive while in a relationship? I’m not asking if its cucked because it obviously is, but does it always guarantee she’s a b***h and will start arguments for no reasons and stuff like that?

Ok let me ask some more hypotheticals.

Posts instagram stories of her in bikinis on the beach and stuff. Red Flag, Green Flag, or neither?

Wears revealing clothing like crazy short crop tops and reveals cleaveage and stuff. Red Flag, Green Flag, or neither?

Has a high follower to following ratio on instagram, like 600 followers with 30 following. Green Flag, Red Flag, or neither?
won't even talk to people like this
who over sexualize themselves for attention
Ok let me ask some more hypotheticals.

Posts instagram stories of her in bikinis on the beach and stuff. Red Flag, Green Flag, or neither?

Wears revealing clothing like crazy short crop tops and reveals cleaveage and stuff. Red Flag, Green Flag, or neither?

Has a high follower to following ratio on instagram, like 600 followers with 30 following. Green Flag, Red Flag, or neither?
if its a model or some social media personality like
these two

exactly like these two and they love like they would

i wouldn't mindmarin-kitagawa (1).gifboku-no-koooro-我內心糟糕的念頭.gif
Well then she's still not really a good candidate for dating imo, still obsessing over another man
she loves u and other men

just means she is hypersexual and would easily cheat

and say i still love you it was a mistake and i won't do it again
u will give her a chance
and she will do it again
and keep doing it on every chance given
she loves u and other men

just means she is hypersexual and would easily cheat

and say i still love you it was a mistake and i won't do it again
u will give her a chance
and she will do it again
and keep doing it on every chance given
Cheaters should be executed on sight they are running the dating market
Another thing I forgot to mention in the video about that Sarah chick. Chris loved to titty fuck and Sarah had lovely big tits. What did she do though? She got herself one of those implant piercings right between her breasts. What a r****d. And he'd also tell me about how she'd make him eat her out all the time but she refused to give him oral sex.

I still can't believe how shocked she was when he broke it off with her.
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  • #26
Ok so guys, what am I supposed to do if these are like 95% of the women at my school?
Ok so guys, what am I supposed to do if these are like 95% of the women at my school?
unfortunately this is real life

globalization of the sexual market (social media basically) has ruined all the chances of the average man

also da joos did this
Ok let me ask some more hypotheticals.

Posts instagram stories of her in bikinis on the beach and stuff. Red Flag, Green Flag, or neither?
red flag
she can wear bikinis and take pics but no posting online
Wears revealing clothing like crazy short crop tops and reveals cleaveage and stuff. Red Flag, Green Flag, or neither?
red flag
she can wear crop tops but not crazy short and no cleavage or butt
Has a high follower to following ratio on instagram, like 600 followers with 30 following. Green Flag, Red Flag, or neither?
i dont know much about instagram. preferabbly she doesn't post her body on social media. its ok if she does other stuff like cooking videos or something
Ok so guys, what am I supposed to do if these are like 95% of the women at my school?
What are your thoughts on girls who repost edits of other guys on tiktok and talk about guys they find attractive while in a relationship? I’m not asking if its cucked because it obviously is, but does it always guarantee she’s a b***h and will start arguments for no reasons and stuff like that?
drop her, she doesn't like you

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